Monday, October 9, 2023

Getting Colder

I think we have two good days for bike rides this week, today and tomorrow, and then the rest of the week it's going to be too cold. As it's been getting colder and darker in the mornings, my energy to jump out of bed has been waning. This morning, I hesitated, and then Corey left without me. And then I decided to go. I drove to the trailhead and got there in time to meet him when he arrived there. Yay I didn't have to bike the road. Perhaps I'm getting lazy. He biked up to the ruins. 
I skipped the ruins and just did techy twice, cause I like techy, and I don't like the last hills up to the ruins (I usually can't get over them). I like techy though, it's fun, even though I usually can't clear all of that either. Good stuff though. I've been enjoying the fall colors and wishing I could stop time so that it could always be fall. 
But it probably wouldn't be as special if it weren't fleeting. I had to stop on avalanche hill on the way down, cause the sun was shining on the mountain side and it was calling for us to look up and behold. Corey was ahead on the trail waiting for me. 
Katharine was cute this morning, not wanting to let Wesley leave for school. AND not wanting me! Hey Katharine, that is not allowed! I can choose to need a break from you, but you always need to want me! Got it?!?
Well, looks like I shouldn't take her desires to be held for granted. She is a cutie. She is going to miss Wesley when he leaves on his mission. Yesterday at church - Natalie probably helped K take this selfie...  
Such a cute little grin!!! And then Natalie took one of herself, and did a little editing.
Nice. Owen, Daniel, and Peter often ask for my phone at church so that they can use the notepad to draw. If Katharine or Natalie get it, they are using the camera app. After sacrament meeting was over, Katharine showed Abi how to say a prayer ~
Such a reverent little girl. It's so cute when she says a prayer with us at family prayer at night time. So very cute. We all like Katharine. She's so fun. Here are a few more pictures of her from last week - being silly - chewing on a nerf gun bullet
She had like three of these in her mouth. These bullets have been all over the house, much like legos and other small chokeable items that should probably be out of the reach of a one year old. Last Sunday the kids wanted Corey to play with them, he didn't have the energy for it, so he got out the nerf guns for them to play with instead, knowing that I'd be paying the price for it for the next month as I find the bullets all over the house. Katharine doesn't mind though.
Many Sundays, the kids are looking to be entertained, and Corey will put on a history show or church movie. There are some days that they do a good job on their own coming up with a game to play. Today was such a day. It helped that Natalie was with them leading out. She had them all dress up as explorers! 
They had to find out who was behind the dark force that was making the forest act strange. Then they stopped by a village cafe for lunch. 
Natalie was just helping them all bide their time until it was 6:00 and they could leave for the walkabout. Walkabouts have continued this summer, but not on a set day of the month. It's been whenever it has been convenient for the host families to do it. Today it was at the Morgan's and Lieb's homes. Wes and Peter playing some forcefield game in the Morgans back yard. 
The kids all love walkabouts and enjoying treats with their neighborhood friends. The Morgan's have such a beautiful view of the whole valley! It was a nice nice. It's been a good start to the week, we're still enjoying fall weather. We have one more day. Supposed to snow a bit on Wednesday. 

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