Thursday, October 5, 2023

Park City Ride

I had a lousy night last night with Kat and Peter waking me up like 20 freaking times. Hence, I did not get out the door this morning, and I was feeling a bit like a zombie all day. Once the older kids were back from school, I made an attempt to rescue the day and my mood with an escape into the mountains. I drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon and enjoyed seeing the lovely fall leaves. 
I drove over Guardsman pass and down in to Park City where I started on a late ride. BeReal went off while I was on the trial, and I tried to do my BeReal, but it wouldn't freaking upload, so then I just took a selfie...
And a reverse of the camera to pretend it's official.
(My commitment to BeReal is waivering...) Why don't I just take photos? That has seemed to work pretty well for me so far.
Anyway... I was starting up the trail at 4:50pm. I went up Armstrong, past HAM and was just staring on Mid Mountain when I turned around cause I was worried about getting stuck on the mountain in the dark. I came down Armstrong (even though it is uphill only) and then took HAM. I tried to do the drop right where HAM starts off of Armstrong, and I went over my handlebars. ]
Didn't get totally banged up, mostly just dirty. I was going slow, so it was just like a timber/tip over fall cause my front wheel just totally stopped. Kinda funny, I was laughing, cause that's what I get for trying to "go for it"! Which is probably why I don't think I'll ever learn how to fly through the sky off of bike jumps, but I can dream. So took HAM and Spiro down back to the car. I love the corner canyon on HAM, it's so pretty and smells so lovely. 
My total ride distance of 9.25 miles, 1 hour 35 min so that was a good escape and rescued my mood. Kids were all alive when I got home. I'm grateful to have older kids that help out so much. I'm hoping to go ride again tomorrow and/or Saturday.

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