Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Sad About Shoes

This evening Katharine had a traumatic experience. We went to Kid to Kid and when we checked out, I  decided to NOT buy her some shoes that she was wearing. These are the shoes. 
It was pretty cute that she wanted them so badly, but she also doesn't need blue fuzzy crocs with rainbow stars on them. She did need some winter clothes and dresses though. That is why we went to kid to kid. And also to get Halloween costumes for Sophi and Natalie. I had compromised myself yesterday and said I'd take them but couldn't cause they had violin. I don't know why I said I'd take them... it was a mistake. When they got home from school today, Natalie had activity days, so I promised we'd go after she got back from there. I told Sophi to practice violin if she wanted to go. I asked Owen and Daniel and Peter if they knew what they were going to be for Halloween and they said yes. Owen is going to be Red from Rainbow Friends, Daniel was going to be a devil, and Peter is going to be a ninja. Sweet. So I only have to take Sophi and Natalie. When Natalie got back, Sophi had practiced, and I told Natalie to quietly go get Sophi and we'd go. I already had Katharine in the car. Natalie came out with Sophi AND Daniel, who had overheard Natalie's not quiet call to Sophi and now decided he wanted to be something else for Halloween. Ugh, fine, alteast it was just him and not all three boys. Obviously I wasn't thinking clearly. Had I been thinking, I would know that as soon as we returned home and Daniel's brothers saw his costume, they'd want something too, which is exactly what happened after we got home. Ugh. Quick Halloween rant: we have SO MANY Halloween costumes downstairs, I hate buying more. As with many other obligatory celebrations, I'm a bit of a scrooge. Well, perhaps you can't be a "scrooge" for Halloween, since that's a Christmas thing... so I'm a Halloween party pooper. I do not like Halloween. I do not like the candy around the house, I do not like my kids eating the sugar. I do not like the wrappers and bits of candy scattered in their beds and bedrooms and closets and in the couch cushions. SURE I could just take control of our life and not allow them to have the candy or I could make them eat it in the kitchen, but I have yet to succeed at that. They outnumber us. We are swimming upstream. We can't keep back all that is coming at us. Maybe we'll take a trip next Tuesday? I don't know the easiest way to escape Halloween, what to do... I don't like getting more costumes, I don't like them cutting up cardboard and making a mess making costumes either. So I'll just say I do not like it and feel trapped by it. Maybe there will be a pandemic and that will stop the madness. Ok, sorry, brief tangent there. Where was I? So Daniel came out to the car too and we headed to Kid to Kid. When we got in, they walked through the pink door, they looked through costumes and didn't find stuff for themselves but did find things for Katharine... "Can Katharine be a puppy! We should by this pumpkin costume for her! How about a pig?!!" No, no, and no. I bought her three costumes last year, she's wearing one of those again. She's good. Daniel eventually found a satisfactory costume first. He is going to be Captain America. Sounds tolerable. Yay. I decided to look for shoes for Katharine, cause she needs a larger pair of Sunday shoes. For some reason, I tried a pair of blue Crocs on her, and she really liked them. I was trying to find other Sunday shoes though, and thinking that Katharine just liked shoes, I took off one of the crocs to try on the black Sunday shoes, to which Katharine immediately freaked out very loudly. To get her quiet asap, I hurried and took off the Sunday shoes and put back on the crocs. Sophi got this video, which for now is the only memory we have of those cute blue shoes (screenshot above). The fuzzy insides were another thing that made me hesitate, cause her feet were barely squishing in them, which means she'd grow out of them in a month or two. I didn't want to pay $12 bucks for two months of shoe wearing when she already has shoes at home. Dare I stand up to Katharine? I'm a push over parent when it comes to this princess. She's our 13th and Corey and I are just tired, which is prob the main reason why she's a bit spoiled. The other possible reason being that she also has a handful of older siblings who rush to her beck and call. Natalie was not having success finding a costume. Neither was Sophi. They kept looking and Daniel needed and found some school shoes, and they are a cute pair of blue adidas, I liked them. They looked good with his Captain America outfit. Poor Daniel has been very patient with me. He's been wearing black water shoes to school and church for the past month, and doh, I just realized we didn't buy the black Sunday shoes there... oh well. I guess he'll still wear the black water shoes to church until I go to kid to kid again. So I did put a black pair of Sunday shoes for Katharine in our cart, but I thought I might have to get her the crocs, so as I looked at dresses for her, I picked out two that I thought would match the black shoes OR the crocs, since if I ended up getting them, I was sure she would wear them to church. Natalie finally settled on a cleopatra costume. Ok, so we're good? Time to check out. The moment of truth has come. We're going to have to take off the shoes either way - to scan the price or to put them back. I took one off, K screamed, and THEN a lady with a baby in a carrier came in. Katharine saw the baby, the lady put the carrier down on the floor so K could admire her baby, the kids and Katharine said "Baby!" and ooh'd and aww'd at her. I thought that dear mother just saved me a baby freak out, and she did. We returned the crocs, made the rest of the purchace, and then it was time to pick up K and go to the car. As I took her away from the baby, she cried "SHOES!!!" as she remembered what she wanted. We hurried outside, where she continued to cry. It was a 10 min drive home, and she cried the whole time. Even the car DVD didn't distract her from her broken heart. Arrived at home and she's still upset. 
I was feeding her some dinner at the table and she was still mourning
Food could not distract her either.  But then Wes came into the room. Katharine reached for him. 

He comforted her - They started just pointing together, then Wes had a dinosaur eat her, and that was what finally calmed her down after 30 minutes of crying! 
My apologies to her future husband that we've possibly created a high fashion monster. 
But the GOOD news is that she found comfort in a man's strong arms.
I hope that is a good sign for her husband. Just hear her out, let her have a good cry, then give her a hug and a kiss, and all will be right in the world. I was glad that Sophi got a video, although I'm not going to show the pic or the video with K around any time soon... don't want to trigger anything! 

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