Saturday, December 16, 2023

Christmas Spirit

Some neighbors of ours invited us to their home for dinner and a Christmas party, and I was impressed and took mental notes. Cute Christmas decorations everywhere - They had a large live tree which was so pretty. Natalie sitting by the mantel covered with little Santa figurines ~

The meal was delicious - we were late so most of the main course was gone, it had been served kinda buffet style, everyone took a plate loaded with goodness and sat anywhere in the house. Natalie has peoples discarded hot chocolate and water in front of her. I was slightly distracted thinking of all the mess that was being left for them everywhere to clean up (they used their nice china plates!) Had I been the hostess, I would have probably been starting to scramble in trying to get a jump on the chaos to put it at bay. But they didn't do any cleaning at all. After the meal, our hosts invited everyone to join them in the front room to sing Christmas Carols!

They had their children and grandchildren around and some neighbors like us, and we joined in singing. Of the neighbors invited, I think was mostly families that had kids that been in their Trek group - Abi was in "Italy" and part of their family. It was good, but it also didn't feel like the usual parties I attend, which maybe are a bit more superficial? I'm not sure what it was, but I liked it - like what? Relax, enjoy company, and sing? Maybe this is what the season is really supposed to be all about? Should we get together with family to sing songs? (And not just Maria Carey signing "All I want for Chrsitmas" or Wham! going "Last Christmas I gave you my heart")... Like real praise to God and CHRIST CENTERED Christmas songs! I did happen to find the chimes that JeNeal made for us like in 2005 I think - we could do chimes and sacred songs at our party with Wrides! BUT we were missing chime #4. I texted Wayne to see if he could perhaps make another one?
That would be a good and meaningful thing to do for Christmas, especially since they were from Wayne and JeNeal years ago. And we can sing praise to God for our testimonies, belief, and knowledge that we will be with her again some day. I like the fluff stuff too, I guess (although I've been campaigning to Corey and the kids for us to NOT give out neighbor gifts this year, not sure if I'm going to win tho).. we got a neighbor gift of some fruit cake today. Not sure anyone will eat it, but we did put a candle in it and sing to Katharine over and over again. 

She liked that. I have tried to be gospel centered in some of the gifts I've gathered. I'm excited that we will be studying the Book of Mormon next year! I got some bracelets that say "I am a disciple of Christ" on them, 3 Ne 5:6. Also there were lots of cute necklaces at Deseret Book - could use those maybe for my kids stocking stuffers, or to have on hand for them when they are scrambling for Christmas gifts for each other. I liked this necklace. I could use one like this - "Fear not!" Things are still uncertain with Corey's current work project. It's been like this this whole year. I remember going to the temple with Ethan in Dec 2022 and praying for help for him and our family, and here we are back in December once again, not feeling like we've made much progress. I will trust and not be afraid. "Fear not, I am with thee, oh be not dismayed". Everyone needs to feel the uncertainty and have these stresses in life, it's just part of the mortal experience. Joseph's getting his stress with medical school stuff. He  thought it would be over after he took the MCAT, haha nope! Good news; he's been accepted to Noorda, and today got word that he' s been deferred for The Ohio State! Not out of the woods yet, but that's hopeful for him! "At this time, we have decided to defer the final decision on your application until we have had the opportunity to review more applicants. He's made a little spreadsheet for himself: 

Praying for a the best for Joseph and for Corey and for Wes to finish school before he leaves in about 4 weeks! AHHH! and for all of our children. 

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