Thursday, December 28, 2023

Dance Party!

Corey and I got back from our biking retreat late last night. We were glad to see all the kids and hug our little ones. We started to gather in the front room after breakfast. We turned on the baby shark song so we could smile at Katharine dancing to it, and one song led to another and we were soon having a full on dance party. These following links are videos - It started with the little kids leading us in Cotton Eye Joe, then Wes joined during the repeat and took it up a level. Next was Rio, and you can see Sophi coming down stairs. One by one the kids woke up to the music and came to see what was going on. The little boys requested Bad Guys. That one made me laugh as I thought of them, in their roles as the little annoying brothers, saying to their older siblings "We're not the bad guys! We're the good guys!" And then THIS ONE was my absolute favorite! This was a request by Joseph, and I loved that all the college kids and big sibling teenagers joined this one (they all knew dance moves from FSY!) 

I had to take a screen shot of Mel doing her little shimmy - that was my favorite part of this dance. Joseph's high kicking and clapping was pretty good too. Oh, and also when all the kids yelled "RUNAWAY!" and scattered! Lots of favorites, it was so fun!

And the last song that Corey recorded was a tween request of Fallin' For Ya. I liked seeing Mel and Hyrum eating their cereal on the stairs as they watched the party from the stairs. Breakfast and a show.  Hyrum has been sleeping in the basement, so he had probably the best seat in the house to hear the music and the stomping on the floor. I'm sure that this morning's impromptu dance party will go down as one of my favorite memories of this winter break. I know we have something special here in our home - a little piece of heaven with all these kids and how much fun we all have together. I'm soaking up this break, as it is our last time with all the kids before Wesley leaves next month for his mission. I love my family! I highly highly recommend being in love with your spouse, and if that comes with the added blessing of a quiver of children, take it! IT IS THE BEST. 

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