Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Zen and Bearclaw

Hello from Southern Utah! Corey and I are in St. George for a little day-after-Christmas get away that we planned for ourselves, as a pat on the back/reward for us giving the kids yet another year of life and another successful Christmas day. Sure, it may have been a little anti climactic gifts-wise (sorry Hyrum) but that's happened before, and there hasn't been too much emotional scarring because of it. Plus the nine kids at home have been kinda slackers chore wise this year, so I'd say we are even. We do owe Mel big time for making this get away possible, and whoever else she says was a good helper when we get home tomorrow. 

We left home today at 10 am, went by the Sandy Momentum for some quick bouldering, then were on our way at 11. We got to St. George around 3 and went straight to the trail head by the Worldmark resort, where I did a bit of exploring in January
We made it to the top of the Zen Loop trail.
We made it back to the car with a bit more of sunlight still left, so then we went up to the watertank, rode the three fingers of death, went along Bearclaw poppy for a bit, then turned around and made it back to the car by sunset.
It was really fun! We are staying at the Marriot Townhome suites or something. It's like a very small room, it's good. After a quick shower, we decided to go out to dinner, because the only food we brought was pink lady apples. We drove to one restaurant that ended up being closed, so then we drove a little more and happened upon George's Corner. And it was a hit! Corey got some mocktail that was super good - had cranberries in it and some spice, and then he ordered some sausage bowtie pasta dish and I got the Autumn Salad, which had salmon, sweet potatoes, candied pecans and goat cheese...
It was absolutely delicious. Loved it. If we're ever in St. George for a date night again, I wouldn't mind going there a second or third time. Totally hit the spot. And now we're reading a bit in a quiet room., we haven't turned on the tv or allowed noise to disrupt us. I brought 6 books, cause I didn't know what I'd be in the mood to read when the moment came, so I just have a goal to read a chapter of each book. Only one down so far, Pres Oaks book "Life Lessons" I read a few chapters though. It's a light read. I'll try to read the other 5 tomorrow before we check out. Checkout is at noon, and we'll hit another trail before we head home. :)

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