Monday, January 22, 2024

First Day of MTC

Wesley headed over to his grandpa's house this morning to begin his first full day as a missionary. He left with Corey who was taking the high school kids for carpool. I had some boxed cereals and pb&j sandwich stuff ready to send with them to contribute to their work day breakfasts and lunches. Wesley was excited for the Frosted Mini Spooners, and after pouring his bowl, we joked saying "Wow! The Lord truly does love his missionaries!" 

Look at those double biscuits with thick sugary frosting! I've never seen such a frosted jackpot before!

Corey took a photo of Wes working for me. He had to be online for his first class at 7:30 am, cause his teachers and his district are on Mexico time. 

And as for us here at home, we had school and violin. Natalie stayed home feeling sick with an upset stomach, but she felt better this afternoon so she still went to her lesson. It made for a faster departure, not having to go over to the school. Today I worked hard rearranging the bedrooms. I only did phase 1, which was to start to move Katharine out of our room. Clothes, toys, blankets, shoes... I'm moving her into the current boys room, which will become Abi and Natalie's room soon. I haven't done diapers and wipes yet, but I might do those too. I didn't take many pictures today. Just at at home work day. I did go climbing during violin. That was fun, but not as fun without Wes, and also not as much fun when it's so busy (It's really crowded after school gets out.)

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