Saturday, January 20, 2024

Missionary Pictures

I took some mission pictures of Wes today. We just used my phone, cause Ethan still has my nice camera. I took like 50, but Wes ended up just posting this one to his Instagram ~

He sent out an invitation for friends to come to our ward tomorrow to hear his farewell talk. Some of the pics had his mission badge - those arrived last week while we were at Brian Head. He's almost legit! He'll be set apart tomorrow at 3:30. We took a few without the jacket.

Then some pics without the name tag, but still wearing a little Texas pin that Terry gifted him in December.

Some people are on top of it enough that they mail out invites, but we live Wride style, aka by the skin of our teeth! (Hopefully we won't be doing that for the wedding...) We tend to survive by getting things done in the nick of time. 

So after a few pics on my phone, we called it good. Hyrum came down yesterday, and he and Wes went to the Draper temple together this morning, so that was nice. I took Abi and Lily down to GMS and then went by the U of U hospital to visit with my dad for a few. Corey held down the fort, which meand K in his arms, unless he's able to convince her to take a bubble bath. 

After visiting my dad, I came home, took stock of food, Corey and Wes went missionary shopping for shoes, and I went to Costco to get food for tomorrow as we suspect Wesley's friends will probably coming over after sacrament meeting. The missionaries were scheduled to come over at 8:30, so Wes, Hyrum and I hurried to go bouldering at 6:30. Wes was flexing on us. He's really good. Wes was climbing this purple V3 that I haven't been able to send yet, and then I told him to hold it there and for Hyrum to start climbing the black V2 so I could take a pic of both of them climbing. Wes was obedient to my command and his arms were burning.

He had a goal to do a V6 before he left, but it didn't happen tonight. Super close though! There was one orange one that he tried at the end, that I bet he could do if he tries it first next time. One more week of climbing before he heads out to the Mexico MTC. And we got home before the missionaries showed up. They shared a message about making a firm foundation - using 3 cups and 3 butter knives. Natalie figured it out - 

And it was such a firm foundation that it was able to hold 15 Book of Mormons!
The Elder on the couch goes home in a month, and the one on the floor has been out for 4 months. They told Wes to remember this little activity, said it's a good one. 
Wes took note. So that is how Wesley's last full day as not a full time representative of Jesus Christ went. His farewell and setting apart is tomorrow! Exciting days ahead.

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