Saturday, February 10, 2024

Day Ski Trip to Nordic Valley

Corey and I learned our lesson from yesterday's ski fail, so we were resolved for TODAY to work. We are going skiing. Last night we decided to take the kids up to Nordic Valley. We packed things up last night so we could be ready to go early and arrive in time to find parking. So we followed through on our plan and getting to Nordic Valley was a success, even with the 1 hour 20 min drive. Abi and Lily had GMS, so with just SNODPK we all fit in one car. We went, we skied, we did not shred, cause there's not a lot of snow. In fact there was still just the one lift open, but we got in our money's worth the best we could I guess. We were on the hill just after 11am and stayed until 2:00. We didn't take a break for lunch or have to pack food, so that made things easier that way. 

Katharine did good on the magic carpet with Corey.
Corey was with her most of the time. And the kids liked being on the bunny hill with her too. It was pretty busy, so the line for the one lift was quite long. Group pic as we stood in line - 
Corey was helping K at his feet, then holding her, then decided this was the least painful way to survive. As Corey has said on previous ski trips, when he was doing something to help a kid and another kid asked "Doesn't that hurt?" and Corey replied "It all hurts... it's just a matter of what hurts less...)
The kids were done, and started having fun sledding on this little ice mound, and that when we decided to call it good. 
They were really having fun sliding on this thing though!
Ok, get your skis on for one more pic, and let's let Katharine go a few more times, and I'll go get the car and meet you at the bottom of the magic carpet. 
A few more runs for K on the magic carpet.
With Peter behind, good job Pete! Katharine had a good time. 
After we got home, I made this little invite to text to the kids for our family anniversary dinner next week. Yay! It's one of my favorite family tradtions! <3

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