Thursday, February 1, 2024

Dress Shopping

Went on a walk this morning and saw a lovely sunrise
We got an email yesterday from Wesley. He has arrived safely in Mexico. I sent him a few pictures that I took from the airport so that he could use them for his weekly if he wants. He replied "Mom!! It has been amazing so far! My district is amazing and since I already know them it's been easy to adjust so far. I was sad at the airport but I've been filled with excitement all day. I've had so much energy, and everyone called me a grubworm. I didn't know what that was, but apparently it's just because I've had high energy all day. I can't send a full email right now, but I love all of you so much!!" So that's awesome. He is going to learn and do great things. 

Now that Wesley is off on his mission, and now that it's February and we have a wedding coming up NEXT MONTH, I figure I better start doing stuff to prepare. One item on our list: clothes for the temple pictures. I went dress shopping at a place that Bella recommended in Bluffdale - Moments Made. I did not find the search there to be very fruitful. This is the dress that Bella's mom got and might wear, but she's also going to keep looking for something else. 
And to me this is a definite dark plum color, not lavender, so I was a bit torn thinking do I look for a dress that will match Bella's mom? Since she and I are the mothers of the bride and groom, do I need to coordinate with her? Or do I still just get any color from Bella's color palate? I looked at other dresses in lavender and green and orange, all her colors, but didn't like anything that Moments Made had. Then I decided to try one dress that I liked the material of, not really in her colors, and it was better, but looked like a nightgown. 
But I'm not paying $80 bucks. So scratch all that - let's go try somewhere else. I went to SouthTowne Mall. Didn't know where to look really, but as I walked around there was one store with lots of really fancy stuff like for proms? I looked around there - each dress was like $125+... so, that's another no because of budget.
I went into JC Penny and looked at plum and lavender stuff. I felt this was my best find of the day and got it, even though it was just a shirt.
I was probably bugging Bella texting her pics of all the things I was trying on. I probably wanted her to make the decision for me, cause I was struggling. There were a few other things there that were workable - there was like a whole lavender section. I'll come back if I need to and can exchange. 
I texted Abi that she was right and that I felt her pain. Shopping for dresses can be a frustrating experience. I took the kids with me to do some wedding clothes shopping last night. We went to kid to kid and I didn't have any luck there clothes wise, but Owen did find a Minecraft Jacket which he was very excited about. He had wanted one for his birthday for a while, definitely over a year. This one was his size and less expensive at the second hand store, so we got it. Eating breakfast, ready for school, at 7:30 (before I went on my walk), with jacket on. 
They were headed out to school as I was returning home, Owen with jacket face zipped. Bye Owen! Bye Daniel.  
You look good Owen. I was laughing, knowing that he probably felt so cool wearing it like that. Funny kids. I went with them down to the bus stop, just for fun.
Peter's been busy making lego creations. He is a sweet boy. He likes to build things and then tells me to take a picture and send it to Wes. 
Peter's been handling Wesley's departure well. I'm sure Wes will be back before we know it. It has seemed like our kids missions are going by faster. Joseph's was kinda hard, with him being the first, but the rest have just cruised by. I think the key is to stay busy, and with a large family, that's usually a pretty easy thing to do. This next month will go by fast I'm sure, as we start to made wedding preparations. 

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