Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Feeling Better

Peter has had croup since Saturday, but I am happy to report that he is feeling much better today. We are very grateful. He actually walked downstairs on his own early this morning at 6 am! And he ate some food! As much as his shrunken stomach could handle. Then he went upstairs, said "I'm full..." and took a short nap. He came downstairs AGAIN at lunch time!

We've tried to keep Katharine away from him over the past 4 days... I hope he's not still contagious, cause after his nap, they were briefly sitting together in the chair in our room. Katharine woke up super early this morning, but I had to take carpool so I left her with Sophi and Natalie. When I came back from carpool and climbing, she was asleep in her bed, aww...

We're really hoping she does not get what Peter got. Yesterday he was laying on the floor like this sleeping pretty much all day with a temperature that was fluctuating between 100.4 - 101.7.

He would open his eyes now and then and we'd offer him fruit snacks, orange slices, anything... but he usually said "No thanks..." I read online that it's good to just let them sleep - it's just their body fighting the infection. But he hardly ate anything yesterday, and he's already a pretty skinny kid... He didn't have much to go on... On Sunday, when he was absent from our family feast, some of the kids expressed that Peter must be feeling sad for missing out on the fun. Joseph and Ethan quickly responded "I bet he's LOVING it! Watching movies all day? Eating popsicles? Free reign on the ipad?" then they wistfully remembered their youth and both said "I loved being sick when I was a kid!" Corey did give him a small lego set on Sunday night to try and get him awake and playing. Aaand I gave him another one today as a reward for eating all his pb&j. Peter asked me if he gets to keep the lego sets when he's not sick anymore. Yes, you can keep them Peter, but I will not be giving you more lego sets in the future just for eating your lunch. We're making a kindness exception at the moment. Another note of good news is that I found Tiny's stuffed animal, known as Tiny's Tiny, that we got at the DI a few weeks ago to replace Tiny until we find him. I can't believe we lost him again. After buying this small replacement, we promptly also lost him.  
I found him today in (drumroll) the boys toy box! Who knew it would be a place where toys should be! All this time I'd been searching in blankets, pillows, and cracks around the boys bunk bed. So I'm glad we found Tiny's Tiny, AND on Monday I also found my large scripture quad that I misplaced sometime in October/November... I hadn't seen it anywhere for months and was confused at how I could lose such a large set of scriptures. On Monday when I was driving home from climbing, in a quiet car, I was thinking about them once again and wondering where in the world they could be... and the only place that I hadn't really looked was in Corey's office. So I got home, walked straight into Corey's office, looked in boxes in the closet, around shelves, in the filing cabinet, and then as I was looking under the desk, where there are several saxophone cases, I noticed another black bag... a little luggage one that looks like ones I use for my carry on during trips... I opened it up, and it's contents looked familiar - the Happiness Makeover book was inside, along with a New Testament Come Follow Me orange book, and I knew I'd found them. I opened the other side of the bag, and there they were. I must have gone to work in Corey's office once, taken my bag in with me, along with my laptop perhaps? And then when I left I only took my laptop and forgot about my bag under the desk. SO - mystery solved! I am so grateful I found these! I had ALL my notes and highlights in here from the whole time I had taught Gospel Doctrine, for the Doctrine and Covenants, Old Testament, and New Testament. I'm so relieved this book isn't lost. I'm not going to lose it again! I often misplace books, cause I'll take them with me in the car on long trips and small errands, in case I get a moment to read, and then they'll slide and go under the chair or who knows what else, they'll go missing from my view and I'll forget where I last had them. I need to probably work out a better system for my hopes of doing some light reading. Anyway, yay. Abi made dinner last night - Make your own tortillas
She always makes it look so pretty and uses so many bowls, but that's ok cause I've been slacking on dishes and I haven't cleaned in the kitchen much lately... not sure what's wrong with me. I am glad the kids usually cover for me since evening isn't my favorite time to make food or eat. Tonight Lily made dinner while I was out on a bike ride. Took the opportunity cause the sky was half clear and it looked nice outside. I just biked up the canyon road. Was 41 degrees, and it got colder and foggy-er as I got further up the canyon. It was wet. Not raining, just went from snow melting. The wet ground wasn't a problem on the slow climb up the canyon, but it did make it hard to see on the fast ride down, when the water and the salt from the snow melt that covered the roads sprayed all over my face from my tires turning quickly around. It gave me lots of dirty freckles!
Note to self for next time: wear glasses if you want to be able to see!

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