Monday, February 12, 2024

Nazarite Vow

Well, is it almost 2 am on February 13th. I have been feeling so behind on so much, esp the blog, so I stayed up to write a bit. I did a few post for January, but I still need to finish November and December and now quite a bit of February! I wish I wasn't constantly 3+ months behind. Oh well. I shall now give the blog report for Monday, February 12th. It was a good and busy day. Corey and Ethan are doing a Nazarite Vow, which is a little goal thing Corey and I did with each other during college. Ethan renamed it a "Think Celestial" checklist, which I think is very appropriate. I joined in. I woke up this morning at 5:30 and made oatmeal, then read the Book of Mormon for 30 minutes while that cooked, yay...

...then I took carpool, went bouldering, home and out the door with P&K to a RS presidency meeting. Peter and Katharine played perfectly over there. 
Came back home, sent texts to make appointments for them to do visits to sisters in the ward, then I worked on a bridal shower invite for a few... then off to the pediatrician for Peter's kindergarten well check visit. 

I brought my own stash of dum dum suckers to keep them happy. 
Those helped with the 20 min wait. 
Seems like there's always a long wait out in the hall and once we are in the room. 

It's ok though. I'm grateful for modern healthcare. Peter has all his immunizations now, I need to remember to finish registering him tomorrow. Actually that prob doens't need to be done until March... I'm going to let that wait until after the wedding. We've got to hurry and enter in all our addresses for people to send invites too. I had a goal to do that today but I didn't enter even one. I did a bit of texting  for other things about that though - checking on tables, tableclothes, keys, etc at the Mt. Jordan building. I think we're about squared away. I went to Hobby Lobby and got some tulle in the wedding colors to decorate the tables with. We might invest in some chaffing dishes for future fancy feasts. I am feeling sick, so I took a nap after some of that stuff, then I felt better. Lily made bean dip for dinner. When I got home from buying tulle, I went on a walk. Sophi and Natalie and I walked down to the bank so I could do a deposit. It took us a little over an hour to walk, but it was fun to walk for no reason. Just to walk and breath the fresh air. 

I did a snow angel near the assisted living home. And we wrote in the snow. 

Going on a walk is on my vow checklist. I walked along the street and sidewalk barricade divider for  part of our walk down, and then I walked along it the whole time when we were walking back up the hill! I know it's not as impressive as Ninja warrior obstacles, but I was proud of myself and my ability to balance. I am going to go to bed now. 2:15 am, doh! I'm hoping that staying up this late won't prove to be too much of a mistake tomorrow with my Nazarite vow/think celestial checklist! I will still get up and read my scriptures first thing, then it's carpool and the day will be up and running at full speed by then "Everything's happening NOW!" - Nate Bargatze

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