Thursday, February 8, 2024

Play Based Childhood

Here are a few cute pictures of Katharine playing with her kitchen on Tuesday. It is so fun, I love it!

Looks like she just got home from running errands and is hoping Peter will help her put things away. Or she's getting read for guests to come over.
I went by IKEA yesterday to get some stuff for the wedding - big silver salad bowls and some serving spoons, and I did a little impulse buy of some new food and some little cups for Katharine, to add to her collection (cause doggy and monkey didn't have any drinks!) I love to watch her play. She really likes cutting the orange. Peter will play with her sometimes if it seems interesting, but he is mostly a lego kid. He's always making cool lego sets.
Tonight Natalie and Daniel made an epic duplo train. 
I had gotten those out on Monday, to keep little kids happy when we had a little friend over here during a relief society meeting here. It kept them busy, but I should have put them away... they've been all over the house the past 4 days! My bad. Katharine stacking up blocks last night at scriptures...

So it's been messy, but it's not bad. 

It's a very good thing, cause kids need to play. Corey shared this video with us tonight at scriptures - Jonathan Haidt talking about "Smartphones vs. Smart Kids". I listened to some of it today but didn't finish. We didn't listen to all of it with the kids either, so I'm going to finish it tomorrow, but I loved what I heard. Totally agree with him! Amen!

I want to read all the books he referenced. This all also went along with things Lili Anderson shared in the Follow Him podcast this week, most in part 1 - she shared similar thoughts on screens, being anti fragile, etc. Part 2 was excellent as well as Lili shared some very hard trials she's been facing lately, including the unexpected passing of her husband in December. 

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