Wednesday, March 6, 2024

As Years Pass By

I was looking through scrapbooks yesterday to find more old pictures of Ethan as I finished up the side by side photos of him and Bella. It's amazing how the years are passing by. Many things are changing - like the number/quantity of and ages of our kids. Some things have improved, as this Mother's Day note reminded me. 

My ability to handle my small children with kindness is improving. I'm getting more patient, and that's good. Some things haven't changed... as I was reminded by this little scrapbook entry for our anniversary in 2008. 
I feel like financial stress has been a big part of my life - from my dad being unemployed for almost a year when I was in 6th grade - early marriage life struggles that are common for most young married couples, but ours have been continuing - on through 2008 and the Movie Mouth years, which ended with a loss, and now we're still barely hanging on today. It's ok. It's good for us, and probably good for our kids too. We can face these hardships with good attitudes! Like a big trail from today - Abi borrowed my car, and THEN I got a call from school that Natalie felt sick, so I had to get Peter and Katharine in the wagon and walk the half mile to school. 
I know, pretty hard stuff right?!? It started to sprinkle a little bit when we got to the school. P and K had enough shelter outside while I signed out Natalie... She's not feeling well, but maybe the fresh air was good for her?
Haha just kidding. I handled it well. BUT it did rain on us a little bit on the walk home. Just sprinkling. We survived. Peter likes making legos, and I send pictures of his creations to Wes. 
He made two pretty cool robots today. Peter is the youngest lego master of our house!

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