Sunday, March 17, 2024

Eclipse Plans

Another Total Solar Eclipse is coming. I have known about this and have been watching the calendar for this since August 21, 2017. I really want to go see it and have been telling myself that I am going to go. My brother Grant lives in Dallas, so we got a place to stay. Corey has not been interested, but he does want to do something for spring break, so today we finally made plans. The current plan is: All of us to to New Mexico, where there is a ski resort, and we'll spend a few days there, and that will get me half way. Then when we're done with that, Corey will head home with atleast Abi and Lily (he doesn't want them to miss school on the 8th and 9th) and I'll head to Texas with four kids, not sure who yet. I will stay there for General Conference weekend, and then we'll see the eclipse, and I'll chill there that day while the traffic dies down, and then I'll leave early on the 9th, drive 10 hours, stay at a place in New Mexico again, then finish my drive home on the 10th. I'm excited!!

I'm a little nervous about taking the van, just cause it seems to have issues, but should be ok. I'll take it in for a tune up first. Originally I thought I'd take Corey's car, but if he's coming with us to New Mexico, he'll drive that and will head home with the ski stuff. But I need to check, will there be skiing in New Mexico the first week of April? I didn't know they had skiing... And temperatures are going to be warmer this week... things are going to be melting here, so we'll see. 

Church was good today. A neighbor named Bob spoke, I need to find my notes, ahh cause right now I'm drawing a blank, but I loved it and teared up and the spirit was strong. Lily and some of her sisters binge watched the Chosen today. I had a Relief Society broadcast tonight which was really good. 

Yesterday I did a bit of cleaning. I've been reading "The Minimalist Home" and this is my plan of attack: - 
  • First - Living room and family room
  • Second - bedrooms
  • Third - all clothes closets
  • Fourth - bathrooms and laundry
  • Fifth - kitchen and dining areas
  • Sixth - home office
  • Seventh - storage areas (toy room, work spaces)
  • Eights - garage and yard
I'm trying to finish this book before it's due in three weeks (I've already renewed it 3 times... I guess I could just check it out again though). Two other pics from yesterday - Little kids playing their plates with their forks as they ate omelets that Corey made for them. 
And also from this morning (Abi sorry to post a pic of you sleeping) Katharine was so cute sleeping next to Abi - just squished in there. 
Abi and Natalie are really helpful in taking Katharine at night and helping her go to bed. I nurser her twice this past week, but we had really been winding down and she realized that she wasn't getting anything and hasn't been asking for it anymore. The end of an era. 

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