Thursday, March 14, 2024


Natalie and I have been stretching and working towards the splits. We started on March 6 and have done a stretching routine by Summer Fun Fitness everyday. Summer said that it took her a year to be able to do the splits on her good side, so Natalie and I are hoping that my next March, we should be able to do the splits on atleast one side! It's also been fun because Daniel, Peter and Katharine have all done it with us at different times when they see us stretching. I stretched already today, and then let Natalie use my phone so she could follow along with the video. Daniel and Peter joined her. 

Cute kids. It's good to have goals!

Sometimes Katharine will also try to grab the phone so she can use it. No no no, Katharine! It's probably time to start helping her set some goals. We'll start with reading a book or coloring. If we leave the ipad out after scriptures (or AT ALL!), she will grab it and turn on PBS kids. There are worse apps she could be on, of course, but we do not like the pull the ipad or our phones have on this developing and impressionable mind. 

We do a good job of keeping it up and away, but Corey did take this picture of her so the kids can all know why we keep it away from her. It turns her into a little zombie (and all of them too!) These personal screens are way too addictive! Do not give your children ipads or smart phones! It is bad for their brains! Never at church or in the car, no, just don't. If we want to keep them quiet, we are doing that for US and not for them! We are putting our comfort and quiet ahead of their mental well being! Don't do it.

Back to stretching - I've noticed that Daniel has such an amazing point toe. I think he could be a dancer if he wanted. Or a gymnast. It's hard to do everything we want, and since Corey and I don't have any experience with dance or gymnastics, we'll leave that to others. But I think anyone can do just about anything if they work at it. Owen did so great on his spelling test. We practiced it four times, and he went from 0/15 to 15/15! 

Work, studying, and practice WORK. It's been a good day. I had an inkling it was going to be a good day when I saw that pink lady apples were on sale! I bought 5 dozen. We should be good for a while. I still love pink lady apples, they are the only apples I will eat. And they are so good with walnuts and raisins!

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