Monday, March 11, 2024

Ready - Set - Go! Woo-hoo!

A new week is upon us. I don't think I got enough sleep yesterday, but I'm trying to push through. I have been up and down from the basement today as I put away things we used at the wedding, and like a good little toddler Katharine has been following me around. As I worked at a folding table (emptying sand) She discovered the treadmill. One of the kids must have left it down. The key to use it has been lost (I hid it so the kids wouldn't use it and can't remember where I put it!) So Katharine was playing around it playing with a little hot wheels car and jibber jabbering talking something, I have no idea what, but I did catch her vocabulary of "Ready? Set! GO! - Woo-hoo!!" as she'd jump from the platform onto the carpet. 

I was loving it and took a short video - SO STINKIN' CUTE.

She got the car and put that under her, made some kind of incoherent announcement, then it was time to show off her skills at jumping high over obstacles! A little Evel Knievel! She put her arms out as if she was ready to fly - time to take off! Fly little girl!
Woo - hoo! I love it. Most of the time she was just rolling the little car down the incline of the walking deck. It would roll down making a fun little car vrooming sound along the texture of the belt, and then she'd do it again.
It was so fun to watch her play. It's been a chill day around here. I went climbing this morning at 6 am, Natalie has safety patrol this week, and we had violin at 4 (I took a nap) and we've just been putting stuff away and trying to clean the house, which has suffered from much neglect the past 3+ weeks. Slowly but surely we'll get it mostly back together, I hope? I still need Nicole to come help me with the basement again. Someday. We both have a wish that once a year she'll come visit me and I'll go visit her, and we'll work on whatever projects we need help with. I think for both of us, it's mostly cleaning and clearing out clutter. Our messes are a bit overwhelming at the moment. Just one of the blessings/curses of paying tithes and offerings: there is not room enough to receive all of our blessings! (Malachi 3:10)

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