Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Swing in Spring!

Yay, it's the first day of spring! We survived the winter, I'm grateful. It was another beautiful day, highs in the 60s. Katharine played outside from about 2pm until it was dark. I was out there with her from 2-4, raking pine needles some of the time (we have A LOT of pine needles...) or pushing her on the swing. 

She was all smiles.

"You wanna go inside?" "No! Swing!"

When Natalie came home from school she relieved me. 
I'm glad that Katharine likes being outside!

Her brothers were impressed that she can walk barefoot across the pine needle covered grass and it didn't seem to bother or hurt her at all! It was nice that the kids were outside playing after school - jumping on the trampoline with friends and playing badminton and soccer. It was ok to have the door just left open, cause the heater and the AC are both not needed when it's this nice outside. After Natalie was here to play with Katharine, I left and finally finished returning wedding stuff - flameless candles, lanterns, and drink dispensers to a neighbor. Then I took a load of stuff to the DI. I really want to get rid of all the clutter. It's sapping my energy. I read a little more in Minimalist Home. He said to start with easy areas, so I did started with kitchen food containers and got rid of extra lids or bottoms that didn't match to a lid. I also had a pile of clothes and a box of random items. Glad to start getting it gone. I have a goal to take a load every Tuesday. I had wanted and planned to go on a ride, but I was getting stuff done (on the blog mostly, yay), and then Corey was on his way home, so I made him dinner and didn't get out. Lily had made a bean dip, but I thought he might like something nicer, so I served up a curry and potato dish (Thai coconut curry, which is a Costco prepared meal). Then we were helping kids practice music or do chores. Owen has been working on Miles Davis with Corey. O has earned his 2nd reward for doing all of his checklist. So far  he and Natalie are the only kids that earned it for Jan-Feb, and now Owen is the only kid who did it for Feb-Mar. Even if they don't keep track of all their daily tasks (chores and homework) we're usually aware if they've practiced or not. It had been a few days for Daniel. Corey was helping Daniel practice - playing "Play that Funky Music White Boy..." 

Daniel stood up and was bouncing and tapping his toe - 
He was totally jamming! And that's not sweat on his head, haha. He had just taken a bath. 

But he looks really into it, right? Fun. Well, so yeah, it was a good first day of spring. Looking forward to warmer weather and hopefully getting out to ride our bikes in the mountains soon. I'll try to make it on a ride tomorrow. And I could have left earlier for a ride, but I was in the zone blogging. Guess what - I finally finished November, yay! I did like 5 for Nov and then did Dec 2nd, and now I hope to keep being productive finish December soon. I have 11 to do for Dec (I try to do 5 posts for each week.) When I'm this far behind, it takes a bit of detective work to remember what happened - I start with the pictures and calendar events, and then I usually need help so I'll go through old text messages in Whatapp and our family facebook chat group. I usually get it mostly figured out, and if I miss anything, I can just go back and add/update it later. :) So no ride or stretching, but yay that I finished November. I hope it is a productive spring time for all of us.

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