Friday, March 8, 2024

Wedding Dinner

The big task ahead for the past few weeks is now behind us. The dinner is done, and I think it was a success.

I'll finish blogging this later, cause we need to go to bed, cause we have an early day tomorrow with the sealing at 9:30 - be at Bountiful temple at 9, so leave here by 8, so get up by 7 and get kids ready. Probably 6:30... Anyway, we left most of the stuff there at the church and we'll clean up tomorrow after the wedding. We have a block of time after pictures (done by 1?) until the reception at 7 (need to be there at 6) so I'm hoping we can get it cleaned up during that time. I took over a lot of stuff, didn't use all of it, but it was good. We used table clothes that were in the gym that belong to the Glacial Park ward. Their bishop is who I got keys to the building from. I am so grateful for the church who let us use their lovely venue for such a reasonable price! (aka FREE!!) Anyone who claims that the church is all about the money and business, you don't know what you are talking about. I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! And I love the members, and I love it's leader, Jesus Christ. They gave us all this to help us out on this special day. I am grateful.
Abi worked hard to put the Christmas lights up (borrow those from our ward's RS closet!). Green table clothes from the church, tables, chairs, we moved two sofas from the lobby into the hall, that was a nice touch. Corey ordered the chafing dishes last week, they arrived yesterday. Four chafing dishes, which we think we might use a lot in the future at family functions and future weddings. 
Ok I guess I'll blog just a bit more, I'm feeling a bit restless anyway... Hope I can fall asleep tonight. Ethan and Bella sitting at their table of honor. Corey had a mic set up and the Bose and a projector that displayed Ethan's video up high on the wall.
I brought nice china for Ethan and Bella to use, but they just went and got the plastic plates like the rest of us! Silly kids...
A feast of rolls, grapes, two salads, roasted vegetables, chimichurri tri tip, mushroom chicken, mashed potatoes and scalloped potatoes, with some gluten free chicken and rice at the end. Note to self - get more kitchen help next time! I was going to text like 6 people, but Corey told me not to, said he didn't think we needed more than two, cause after the food was out, there wouldn't be anything to do. I said ok, so it was just Terry and Elasha. Chalane told me that next time get atleast six people. Chalane and Nancy helped a lot with the food and clean up. Nancy took all the table clothes home to wash! Grateful for my family for saving me from drowning tonight.
We were running around crazy today - Hyrum to the DI to get pants, Abi stayed home from school and we went to Costco for salad stuff and desserts, then had to pick up more desserts from Kneaders (Hyrum picked up those), and MORE desserts from Gourmandise (Corey got those - he also picked up some Papa Murphy's pizzas for the littles, so that they wouldn't take too much of the steak...) Our friend Laura Blanco from Cafe Sur dropped off the dinner at 6. 
Orange water and lemon water for drinks, and an overflowing dessert bar. 
We had about 90 people there I think? I was grateful there was plenty of food. We have leftovers of everything (chicken, steak, potatoes, salad, desserts...) that we'll be eating tomorrow when we are cleaning up at the church.
People ate as a video played on the wall that had pictures of Ethan and Bella growing up, and they had a friend come sing "Sunrise Sunset". Corey shared some words of advice on behalf of both of us, then Paul and Lisa and others who felt so inclined. hen they played an updated version of the video Ethan made when he proposed to Bella. So cute. We Wrides all especially love starting at 6:49 when the kids made their dancing debut! So funny! Ethan is a talented videographer! He played Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
I'll get the program from Corey later - I can't remember if the videos were first, or the people commenting on things... But it was a good day. Thanks to Terry for saving my sanity before hand at during the dinner tonight. I was not feeling overwhelmed this morning and so I went climbing after I took carpool this morning. Had a good session - I felt so great after cause I did TEN V3s! It was good to start off the day feeling empowered and like I could do anything. I did 18 total. I also read my scriptures and prepared for a lesson in Relief Society that I'm teaching on Sunday. I teach Relief Society tomorrow (Tamara Runia's talk, it was my favorite from General Conference!) She referenced an author Ronald E. Bartholomew in her talk, and I got his book from the library, True Versus Truth. I'm only a few pages in but it's so good! 
I got back from climbing and Mel was helping Owen with his spelling words. 
He's been doing so good on his tests since we started actually studying! Ha, who knew? Ok, busy day tomorrow, but it's a good and very blessed type of busy. Life is good.

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