Sunday, April 21, 2024

Family Fun at Waterford

We had a fun day with the college kids. They all came up for church at our ward, and then lunch and dinner and games, and then ultimate frisbee at Waterford tonight. We have 14 in this photo here. 

You might wonder why this blog says we have 13 kids, when there are 14 kids in the photo. Well, Ethan just got married, so that adds one. BUT Wesley is also gone on a mission, so that takes it back to 13. So how do we have 14 still? Let's see if this pic helps solve that mystery...
It's not totally obvious, but there are two couples in that photo. Ethan holding Bella, and another couple in a dance dip move. From left to right, we've got Owen, Lily, Mel, Peter, Sophi, Abi, Daniel, Hyrum, Corey (he slipped into this one) Ethan holding Bella, Natalie, aaaaand Joseph and Eliza! Who is Eliza? Eliza is Joseph's fiancĂ©e!! We got this photo late last night - 
We knew that a proposal was in the works, and I also learned earlier that day (as Joseph called me for ideas... as of yesterday morning he was planning and was studying for finals, but then a desire to propose took over his thoughts) She knew it was coming but didn't think it would be last night, which is why he wanted to do it then. They already have their temple sealing scheduled - June 28 up in Meridian Idaho. So that is why they all came up to spend the day here, to celebrate and share the news with their siblings. I knew yesterday that they were coming up, so I did a Costco run before Natalie's concert started. I was able to feed a crowd today, thanks to ideas I got from Stephanie taking care of us in Texas. We had two bean dips for lunch after church (I came home after sacrament meeting with Peter, who is still sick with an upset stomach, and made those) and it was a hit -
(Peter is feeling better - making a Lego City for me to show Wesley) Peter playing legos. 
And Stephani also taught me how she cuts watermelon - They call it "watermelon straws" - so smart! 
Then we played "Compatability" Wride edition - that Corey made like 10 years ago. That was fun. Corey and I won. Mel and Hyrum were on a team cause they were husband and wife in their lego family many times, haha it was funny hearing Hyrum remember his complaints about Mel, his lego wife, being upset that her lego husband Hyrum was spending so much time at Sword camp that they weren't ready to fly into space, stuff like that, it was funny... And Ethan was filming stuff so Bella played with Wayne, but then Natalie swapped in for Bella, and Joseph and Eliza were on a team too.
Then Corey and I got hamburgers, bean burgers, and salmon burgers ready for dinner. I felt like I was prepping food a lot today, but it's good. Abi made and frosted sugar cookies. Then around 7:30 we went to Waterford. We didn't have much time as I had planned (I was thinking 6-6:30) but it was good. Sunset was at 8:14. Corey and the kids had an intense game of Ultimate... 
...while I tried to keep the littles out of harms way. Katharine is ready to play catch. 
Peter and I tried to hit the ball around with tennis rackets. 
We took the silhouette photos after the sun went down, then back home for scriptures and Mel shared some music videos she made with a guy in her song writing class, it was funny! Her siblings saw a side of her that they'd never seen before. 
It was so fun having all the kids here today! Life is passing away like a dream. I'm excited to see the rest of it unfold, and I'm really glad we still have little ones at home to raise. Having these older ones be in college and married has rocked Corey's world a little. He's thinking "where has the time gone? I was JUST there myself..." but I think that will happen for me when the kids are all in school all day, or when Katharine graduates high school and this child rearing phase is really over. It feels like it's all I've known for so long, so that will be strange when that happens for me, but right now I'm glad to still be in the middle of it. One of my biking songs is "The Middle" and my birthday is in a week, so I really am about in the middle (I plan to live to 100+) Life is so good, it was a day of many blessings and having my cup full. I'm so grateful for gospel living. Our sincere efforts to follow Jesus Christ in all things gets all the credit for creating this happy life for us. 

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