Saturday, April 6, 2024

General Conference and Park

We've had another great day here in Texas. We listened to General Conference today and it was great. Here was my little set up on the floor (I sat on the floor to stretch my legs while I listened)

Even the kids did a great job listening thanks to a plethora of perler beads that Grant and Steph have! They got a lot of them when Caleb was sick a few years ago and he couldn't do much, so he made perler creations and people gifted them beads for him. It was a great hit with the kids. The beads started on tables and in containers...

Until a little girl named Katharine came along...

Then the colors were soon mixed up

And were also soon all over the floor. But Grant and Steph didn't mind. I did try to clean it up now and then, but I'm sure my resolve to return them to order will be gone tomorrow. 
Steph and I were really happy with how the melting beads kept the kids entertained yet listening. I think it will become a General conference tradition for us! Here were the kids at breakfast this morning too - I thought this was a cute picture. 9 kids around the table.
The thing that has mostly been on my mind is the eclipse and if there will be clouds or not. IT's been an experiment in exercising faith right and a lot of the conference talks today I felt went along with it. A few examples if I can remember them - from my notes - Elder Holland talking about his wife's recent passing and his recent illness. He testified that prayers that were offered for him and Pat were BOTH heard and answered by God, even if the prayers for Pat were not answered the way he himself had wanted. For the eclipse, if we see it or if we don't, I know that God has heard out prayers. God is able to command the clouds to part, BUT IF NOT, I still love and trust Him always. I liked Elder Dushku's talk about pillars of light or rays of light. I have not seen a pillar of light giving me pure knowledge of things, but I have had many moments where rays of light were given throughout my life to light my way. I won't become discouraged or drift from God because any of my desires are not given the way I want. I liked Elder Gerard's talk on Integrity. The word Integrity always reminds me of Corey because of something said about his integrity in his patriarchal blessing. It's trusting God in good and bad, in public and in private. I will trusting in God! And again, I was thinking about a little thing like the eclipse the whole time. Not a life threatening thing, just a desire to see this wonder of God's creation and share the moment with my family, and create a memory for my kids. Anyway, lots of GREAT stuff shared at General Conference today. If you have a question on your mind, bring it with you and listen to the messages shared at General Conference, and you will find answers! And that was just the first session so far! I was excited to hear more. But in between the first and second session, we took a break to go to a really fun park here in Grand Prairie - the Playgrand Adventures park
The kids all took off. Can you spot any of them?
I took Katharine over to a toddler area. 
Katharine is pretty much the cutest.
After a bit we went to do a check in and find where everyone was. Katharine joined them on this roller slide - 
Having fun!
Patrice went down it, she's tough. She said it was hard on the rump, so then she and her kids were trying to do it on their feet while squatting. Impressive! the bumpy rollers probably are not as painful for little bodies that don't weigh as much as us adults. 
Diaper padding probably helps too.
Peter climbing up a rope gym.
K playing the xylophone.
We stayed past 3, which meant we were late getting back for the evening session that started at 2pm Utah time. We decided to leave at 4, then we'd get back, have some dinner, and then could binge watch the afternoon and evening session in a 4 hour block. Group pic before we headed to the car - 
BeReal - I was holding K, Peter didn't want to be in it but I got him!
Patrice and JT and their kids came over for the evening session and brought a lasagna dinner for us, and a chocolate peanut butter cream pie. Everyone ate, got out the last of their wiggles, then time to hunker down - Ok here we go - four hours! Get out more pearler beads. Everyone was working hard.
Back in Utah, the college kids came home to join Corey and Abi and Lily. They had a party - Joseph brought his girlfriend Eliza, Mel, Ethan and Bella. Ethan sent some Realmoji's that made me laugh.
I believe he's got his wedding ring pushing up his lips. Funny.
My favorites from the first go through of the afternoon and evening sessions were Elder Massimo De Feo's talk - man, having eye injections every 4 weeks! Yikes. There are bigger trials than cloudy weather forecasts. Not being able to see the eclipse is not a big deal. We will be ok. But I also loved how he said that when people are telling you to be quiet and just accept your life and hold your peace (and sometimes we should), but we also have the agency to cry all the more (Mark 10:48). Love his message. Others were great too. I didn't take any notes during the evening session, so I can't remember what I liked. I'll have to review it after the talks are posted. I'll put all the links here when they are put on the church's website. Such great stuff. Excited for more tomorrow! We're just planning on hanging out here all day. Grant leaves for Portugal for a business trip around 1. He's bummed to miss the eclipse, but there was nothing he could do about it. I think Trice's family is coming over again. We've been enjoying fun with family here in Texas.

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