Friday, April 26, 2024

Kindergarten Orientation & Playdates

Peter had his kindergarten orientation today!

All the kindergarteners are so cute. We had a meeting and then the kids got to go see the classroom while the parents stayed to hear more logistics and stuff. Katharine stayed with me, but she was glad when we went to see the classroom. They had such a cute little "house play" area set up! It would be fun to get a washing machine and all the other house stuff.
It'd be so fun to have all that stuff here! But I guess, since we don't have them, that might make it more special when they get to go to school and see and play with them there. I shall try to resist the desire to buy all the fun stuff - like the stage and costumes and props at Thanksgiving Point. I told Corey I wanted to make one in our basement, he said "Or, you could just go there?" Yeah, that probably makes more sense. Then K found some number counting pop it boards. Katharine hard at work
Pop, pop...
Peter was playing legos, but soon he was with Katharine - they really liked those. 

So I can hardly believe that I'm sending another one off to Kindergarten. The marriage didn't shake me up, but I think when I send my last kiddo off to school, that's when I'll have a real "Where did the years go" moment. And I won't know the answer, but I can come here and look on the blog to remember all the things we did. Some of it is big and eventful, and most of it is just the crazy run around of life - which was what today was like. After Corey and I dropped off carpool, we had fun at Momentum doing top rope this morning, our third time in a row going together! (Thanks Hyrum for watching the little ones for us) Hyrum actually slept in on accident and thus so did Daniel, so after we were done climbing, I took C to his dad's house, then home to take Daniel in to school. After I checked him in, I went straight to the credit union to deposit some $, and to open an account for our 30 year reunion (!!) and then to Costco to get treats for Owen and Daniel to take to their soccer games tomorrow. Then home, unload the car, Sophi came home with a friend from school and they had a playdate (is it still called a playdate if they are in middle school? Probably not - just "hanging out") and then O&D got home from school, sent them straight to activity days, Natalie didn't come home cause she was having a playdate at Hadley's house, then took Peter to Kindergarten Orientation, P and K didn't want to leave that but we hurried home to meet another friends of Daniel's who was on her way over. Kids played, I tried to get ready for my date with Corey, and cleaned up for a little bit. Friend was late being picked up, but that's ok. Went to get Corey, we went out to Beaumont Bistro for dinner, Ethan and Bella came up tonight and are hanging out with us tomorrow. They were up for a wedding. When they told us they were going to sleep over, we decided to hurry to Costco, and we got there before it closed and found a blow up mattress - there were mostly one big box that was $129, and then there was another small box of what looked like mostly the same thing... we took both boxes to check out - the smaller one was on a deep discount for $50! Yay, so that was a blessing. God is looking out for us. He helps us with all the big and small. I might like a little more help with the big, but when he's there in the small stuff, it is nice to get a reassurance that he cares. I felt that tonight with that good deal, feeling grateful that we went to the Costco in Murray cause the other might not have had that! At home, got E and B set up, and we had a fun discussion at scriptures. Abi made blueberry muffins that everyone loved, especially Corey. Turns out he really LOVES blueberry muffins, which I don't think I was aware of. The kids got crumbs all over, Hyrum helped me sweep. As we moved the stools out from under the island, Katharine came and did some counter hanging!

I think we gotta little climber on our hands!

Katharine will be a good kid to have as our caboose, cause she's going to go biking with us AND climbing!

Yay! Katharine is excited and we're excited too!

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