Monday, April 8, 2024

Miraculous Eclipse

The sky cleared for us today - it was a total miracle. Do you like my Totality 2017 shirt? Is the the only one that has survived the past 7 years. Abi was wearing it in the photos at that link. I can't remember when I confiscated it, but I've kept it careful and safe as a pj shirt. I was glad to have it for this special occasion when we saw a total solar eclipse AGAIN! We feel so grateful to have been able to see this wonder of God's creation!! This photo below of our CLEAR SKY At 1:35 right as totality was about to start at 1:37! We're going to see it start AND finish! I can't believe it! 

We've been watching the weather forcast for the past week. It said rain a week ago, then it's said clouds for the past 5 days. We've been praying and hoping. Yesterday it still said there was a chance of rain, but it also said partly cloudy around 1! That's the only time I care about - the eclipse is at 1:30! Hooray for a ray of hope, giving us desires to keep praying. We were trusting the Lord for whatever the outcome. I read Jacob 4:9 this morning and it gave me hope and happiness - "For behold, by the power of his word man came upon the face of the earth, which earth was created by the power of his word. Wherefore, if God being able to speak and the world was, and to speak and man was created, O then, why not able to command the earth, or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it, according to his will and pleasure?" God has the power! All he has to do is speak and it will be done! The sky will be clear! He is ABLE to command the workmanship of his hands upon the face of the earth. I trust he will. But if not, I will still serve him. This morning, I felt that if we see it, we will be so grateful. But if we see the miracle or not, we will still love, trust and praise God. We had plans to go over to Patrice's place in Mansfield rather than in Grand Prairie cause they had a few more seconds of totality. Everyone at Patrice's house checking out the sun when the eclipse started - 
The sky was partly cloudy, but the clouds were moving fast. They'd come in front of the sun and then be gone after a minute or two, depending on the size of the clouds. 
We continued to check the weather. At noon it showed there was still a chance of rain this evening, but the partly cloudy sky was going to continue for the next several hours, hooray! 
I was positive that we would definitely see it, and we'd also most likely see totality start or end! The kids were happy to be playing inside with toys that were new to them. Peter with a big Potato head - 
Also plenty of legos for everyone. 
During General Conference, the Reads started a 2000 piece Disney - Pixar Ceaco puzzle that everyone got working on as we waited for totality.
We had lunch of fish sticks, quesadillas, and rolls with nutella. Kids jumped on the trampoline and played. At a half hour until totality we started to gathering outside to watch. Stephanie looking up, Matt and Beka here (they flew in Saturday night), and JT with Kimberly on his lap.

Kids joined us for popsicles.

Getting closer and closer to totality - the sun was half covered, you can tell it's darker, but it's also still so light and easy to see. 

It's amazing how bright the sun is even when it's 70, 80, and 90 percent covered!

Stephanie brought a sheet to help us see the shadowbands. And we were also amazed, in awe, and so grateful that while there were clouds all around us, right above us it was so clear!
We can see and feel the change - everyone getting excited!
Almost at totality and look at this sky! Like WHAT?!?! It's a miracle!!!
Totality! We saw Jupiter to the east and Mercury on the west! Amazing!!
It was amazing. Like there aren't really words that can accurately describe the moment. I took this one pic above, which obviously does not do it justice. It doesn't really matter - no photograph can capture it. I was present and soaking up every second of the 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Any photos I took would not do it justice. Right after the eclipse, we were talking about the miracle and how amazing it was. I was a little sad that I hadn't even checked to make sure all my kids were there, I was just looking up. But unfortunately, I think Daniel was inside for most of, if not all of it and Peter too. I called for them to come out and I think I saw Daniel outside briefly as it was ending, but I didn't want to look away from the sun. Peter came after it was over, and said he wanted to play legos, so they probably won't remember seeing it cause I don't think they did. After totality was over, I wasn't watching the sky, we were looking at each other like "AHHH!!" sharing our speechlessness in wake of the miracle of it all, and then I look up, and there were clouds everywhere.
I don't even know where they came from, but now there were clouds! Miracles over, so back to the regularly scheduled forecast, and that was ok with me. We saw it and it was amazing. It's like holding newborns or watching the setting moon, sunsets, sunrises or fall colors. It's amazing, and try as you might to make time stand still, but you can't hold onto it. It moves on and soon it's over. It was pretty fun that 30 minutes after us, our sister Camilla in Indiana was in totality, and shortly after that my bff Nicole saw it in Maine!
How fun that we all get to share this experience even if we're hundreds of miles apart. My mom texted yesterday saying that she watched a special on the eclipse on PBS and the US had jets lined up to fly during the eclipse to study the corona, but they had several lined up to take of because the moon was moving faster than they could fly. Note to self - watch that special. After it was over, we came inside for more fun and games. We finally gave the ok for the kids to play video games. 
We made a lot of progress on the puzzle.
Patrice and her kids loved having Katharine around. Patrice got his photo of K by her flowers.
A lady named Rosa in Patrice's ward makes t-shirt, and had some eclipse shirts for sale. I ordered some this morning and she had them done in a few hours. I got 4 kid shirts of different styles. Here's one that I thought had a Star Wars feel - I'm guessing one of the boys will choose this one.
Later I decided to ordered one more for me. Beka and Matt ordered some and I'm going to have mine shipped with theirs. Fun!
So that was amazing and I feel so grateful and in awe of the miracle of the eclipse, but more in awe that God answered our prayers the way we desired. He is a kind and loving creator. After the eclipse I talked to Welsey for his p-day. when he called, Corey and Mel had their cameras off...
We could hear something going on... I thought Wesley's connection was bad, but then after Corey and Mel turned on their camera, we saw the source of the noise - Corey was out biking, and Mel was skiing! Wow! We're such an outdoorsy family!
Patrice, JT, Beka, Matt and Stephani played some games while I talked with Wes and watched kids.
They all had fun hanging out the rest of the day. We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Then the adults (including me) played Skull King. A new game for me, it was fun!
I got 2nd to last place. We had planned originally to head back to Stephanie's at 6 so the older kids could watch a movie before we leave tomorrow, but we decided to stay and it was the right decision. We still let them watch Harry Potter after we got back, even though it's a school night for Steph's kids, and even though we're going to try and head out early. Stephanie's kids earned watching it cause they recently finished the first book. They're watching that right now, I'm going to go get them to bed in a few, Beka and Matt stayed at Trice's for a bit longer, they just got back. They are waking to leave for the airport at 4 am! It's been a great eclipse trip, so glad we came, so grateful we saw it, God's creations are amazing! Update - I knew someone would get better photos - look at this picture a neighbor of ours (Richard Grossen) took - wow!

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