Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Taking Turns

Well, we've still got a bug goin' around. Hyrum threw up today. His was a new one... (sorry... you, whoever you are, probably don't want to hear all this, but I can't help myself...) So he was feeling ill, was laying in the basement, and when he felt it coming, he decided his best option was to open the basement door (it's a walkout basement) and he just let it fly all over the cement there. He came and told me, I told him "Well, have fun cleaning that up" and he said he would but he didn't feel like doing it right now. There were leaves that we never raked up over there, so I told him to rake those up, if they had throw up on them or not, and put those in the garbage before he tried to hose things off. He ended up doing that but using a bucket of water rather than the hose, cause he couldn't get it off the back patio. That faucet has had a leak for as long as I can remember. Atleast 9 years back when they were working on the ice rink, cause the hose wouldn't be totally screwed on, try as they might to tighten it more, so there was ice left on the back patio during that project. Lily was sick yesterday. She went to school then texted me that she needed to be picked up. She didn't have breakfast, so her body didn't have anything to expel, so she came home and lay down on the couch for the rest of the day. Bella posted this BeReal, and I thought maybe we had given Ethan a sick bug when he was here this past Sunday (doing some filming for The House 2) ~

She said he wasn't sick, just tired. They are getting ready for finals. I thought that pic of them was cure though. 

I went to Stake Women's conference tonight, Sophi came with me. We decided last night that as soon as I got home, we would watch Knives Out. We started a little late and just finished at 11:30. I'm staying up a bit to blog cause I can't quite sleep... It was a kinda fun murder mystery show, if murder can be fun? Ethan had Corey and the college kids stay up and watch it while we were in Texas and Corey said it was fun. We talked about doing it last night but then didn't cause Corey went to the temple and I went on a ride, and when we were both back, all the kids were doing "just dance". They are trying to pick some songs and dance moves to learn, like we did at Ethan's wedding (there are rumors that there might be another engagement soon.) Also, speaking of weddings... Ethan had a bachelor party at The Space Place and said it was the funnest thing EVER. It's basically Galaxy Quest, and Ethan was the captain, it was like a two hour thing, they all got totally into it. So funny!

Last night Corey was also a little stressed. He said that "Everything is a burden." Hoping I can lighten his load, not sure how though. In other un-intereting news, I challenged Mel to an L-sit contest. First one who can hold an L sit for 5 seconds gets $50 bucks. I'm also still doing a good job cleaning the house as I remember that no one is going to come save me or do this for me. I've been doing good at laundry (I've always done pretty good at that) and the kitchen sink and counters (been a good improvement with those two.) And here's a random photo of Peter serving up sandwiches at his tub restaurant. Daniel was a good customer.

I appreciated him coming and taking a turn, as I had eaten about all that I cared to eat. 

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