Friday, May 31, 2024

Katharine is 2!

Happy Birthday to Katharine! My favorite photo of her from the day was as she was blowing out her candles. 

Oh she's so pretty! It's been a perfect toddler b-day. I love that two year olds have no expectations. She came downstairs this morning all dolled up and ready for her special day (thanks to Natalie for dressing her up).

Natalie gave her fresh pigtails. They were a little droopy, but K didn't seem to mind. She'll just be a little lop rabbit.  

She also looks like Shirley Temple wearing this short dress. It's short on her because it's for a 6 month old, and K is two, so makes sense. Grandpa Wride came by and brought her cupcakes and some presents! Hey, this is fun!

She got a fun lady bug from Wayne that she loves. Owen teaching her to open gifts and eat treats - yeah! This is what we do on birthdays!

Today is my mom's birthday too, so Corey and I took my mom and out to Aubergine for lunch and that was also our date night.

The kids thought my mom was coming with cake so they frowned when we left with them to go out for lunch. After we were done, my mom and dad went back home to wrap things for K. We had a visit from Eliza's parents and her little brother Thomas right when we got home. It was so nice to meet them! We talked a little bit about wedding stuff. They are down here for the Utah Valley Marathon tomorrow so it was nice of them stop by. We were super impressed by them, they are so great. It made us feel even better about Joseph and Eliza! Then my mom go the ok to come back over. The kids had been itching for sugar for a few hours by now so I dished up ice cream I had bought while we waited for the birthday lady's arrival. K had done a pretty good job keeping her dress mostly clean, until the ice cream... little chocolate face about to drip on her dress... 

 I had spruced up her pigtails by then. Cute little cheesy grin.

Soon my mom came by and K knew the routine by then. She was happy to receive new play food, lots of cute clothes, an Elsa doll and a Bingo stuffed toy. 
Katharine was very tender with the Elsa and rubbed her back as we clipped her out of the packaging. Katharine will be having fun soon feeding all her dolls at the table in her room. The kids did great this past week doing their chores and stuff - Lily reading to Daniel earlier this morning~

So I had to go on a date tonight, but Corey and I had already gone to eat, and he had to get work done, so Hyrum went out with me and we went climbing. Tonight I did this hard/stupid green boulder route. Hyrum attempting it - 

Then I tried it repeating what he had done hooking his heel and I was able to bit by bit get it for my first time! This has been the only V2 I haven't been able to do, so I was really proud to get that checked off. I also did this hot pink V3 and didn't mind showing my young and strong college boy how it was done. He said he's not ashamed to be beat by his mom, haha!

Good stuff. It was a good day, felt like a Saturday, but I'm glad we have a Saturday tomorrow. Corey and I are going to go on a ride in the morning. We're already enjoying the first weekend of summer. 

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