Saturday, May 4, 2024

Weekend Activities

Corey made the kids french toast this morning, and after K ate, I took her up to change her diaper and then she threw up her breakfast. Luckily, I was holding her, and I've got some wicked fast mother reflexes and I protected all the carpet and caught it on her, myself, and a rice bag that I was holding. Into the tub she went. I rinsed off our clothes and the rice bag, but the rice bag can't go into the laundry. It might be ruined now, but I put it outside to dry, we'll see. If it's ruined I have two others. I use those  almost every night to either prop myself up if I lay on my side or behind my neck and sometimes up my spine if I lay on my back. I like it better than pillows. So, with K sick, we made a change of plans for the day. Abi and Lily had to take the bus to GMS, which was sad for them, but we needed both cars. Hyrum has been our soccer helper the past few weekends, but today he was in St. George with Mel. 

They had fun going on a hike and stuff. We were going to have everyone (SNODPK) go to soccer and the trumpet recital, so that plan was changed. I had Sophi stay home gets to be our babysitter again, like yesterday. K went down for a nap, S stayed with her, and I took NODP to a Primary Activity which was so cute. They made little cars and talked about driving on the covenant path. They had a little drive through movie at the end when I was there to pick them up. It was really cute to see.

Corey left at 11:15 and picked up Owen for his 12 o'clock game. I was at the church 20 min later to get NDP. Showing me their cars. 

After the 1st half of his game was over, I took Owen and we went with N&P to his trumpet recital. He changed his clothes in the car and warmed up on the drive over. We were just a little later than she asked (12:50 instead of 12:45) but he was able to tune fine. Cheeks are still pink from working hard at his game!

Playing Ode to Joy - video here.

He is a very good little trumpeter. Abi and I have tried to play the trumpet and neither of us know how he is able to make a sound on that thing. It's impressive. Quick photo with other students in Kyra's studio. 

I didn't bring any treats for the pot luck refreshments after, sorry! Just couldn't swing it all today. And I'm also sorry that my 3 kids that came with me took more than their fair share. Corey stayed with D for his game which was at 1. Corey said that Daniel scored a goal, and after he did he cheered and shouted to Corey: "Now we get to go to Wendy's!" The parents all thought that was funny. Since Corey and I were taking care of our quiver all day, we didn't workout in the morning, but Corey got a text from a friend in the neighborhood, they've been going back and forth about doing a ride together sometime. They decided today to do a long ride and bike from home out on the BST to Corner Canyon. I didn't want to do all that, and they didn't want to bike home, so we made a plan. I drove out and parked at Coyote Hollow and that way I was able to give them a ride home. They told me that they biked up Rocky Mouth and then to BST all the way to CC from there! Impressive. I only knew how to get on BST from Hidden Valley. Rocky Mouth had some wicked switchbacks, but Corey did Parley's trail ok, so he probably was good. So I parked at Coyote Hollow and then did Rush the end, then over to BST until I met up with them. Corey did 15.14 miles, 2 hours 1 min, and he got 26 achievements on Strava, like a Gold for Fly by night to Rush. He also wiped out right at the beginning of rush and got a good rash on his left leg, ouch! Totals for me: 8.99 miles, 1 hour 16 min, 14 achievements, like Silver on Brocks (4.44, PR was 4:29 on 6/24/23) Rushing Corners (1:38, PR 1:28 on 11/13/23) Quite a few Silvers on the Rush downhill so that's cool! PR on Chainless Rush (from the Ghost Falls jump in to almost the end?) 3:29, Previous PR was 11/13/23 3:32, 21 efforts doing that. Also a PR for Lower Rush, .3 miles in 57 seconds, 65 efforts on that, so that's fun! After that Corey, Rob and I also went to the jump track and did a few rounds, I want to learn how to jump. I got air twice and it was terrifying but I'm glad I didn't fall! I don't know how people keep their feet on the bike when they're floating? Or how you know where you're landing when you put them back down. I just got lucky today. I am going to go try that little jump track again. It will be fun to learn. That would make sense to get clips for that, but I should probably get better first. Anyway, that was really fun. Corey also had a good wipeout right as we were starting down Rush. Tore up his left leg a little bit but he rode the rest of the trail great. 

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