Friday, June 14, 2024

Lazy Day

Maybe I worked too hard yesterday, cause today I've just felt meh and have been bumming around the house feeling lazy. I woke up at 5:15 and read and stretched for a bit while I waited for Corey to get up, that might have killed my motivation. I think I have to get outside right away, or my engine sputters and dies and it's hard to get it up and running again. But we did leave for a ride at 6:30 and went to Parleys, and I was feeling so weak on the climb. The west side of Granger peak is NO FUN. But I liked it once we turned the corner into the canyon on Pipeline. That was nice. We finished the ride by coming down the road, cause we had to get home. We had been gone for a bit long and didn't have a way to check in on the kids. Note to self: find the home phone handsets. They are all lost and/or out of battery, doh. 

So the boys have been watching a bit of the library dvds today - Alvin and the chipmunks and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. They did 20 minutes of reading as they all sat in time out (they've all been on one today). We cleaned up legos for a little bit in the basement a few times cause the boys' wrestling matches kept turning into fights. They have been working on puzzles though. Tonight Katharine was bossing Owen around and holding him captive, as her puzzle slave. He would make the Bluey puzzle, then she'd break it, and command him to fix it again. 

He was a cute big brother and was being a good sport about it. 

Good news: I finished blogging January today! Yay! I finished December on Sunday, Jan today, and with a bit of continued focus maybe I can finish Feb next week? 

So, we have a wedding in two weeks. I still need to get the final count of people attending the lunch and then need to order the catering. We're going to get the buffet lunch from Whatever Works Catering in Boise. 

Corey and I went out to eat at Bandits tonight. I got my usual: Farmers Harvest Salad with an extra skewer of shrimp. Can't remember what Corey got. But then he ordered a dessert (cause tomorrow's his b-day) of the cinnamon bread pudding. Happy birthday to my sweetheart tomorrow!

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