Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Library Again

I'm 2 for 2 on taking the kids to the library! Go me. 

Boys have a hard time being normal apparently. Thank you Natalie and Katharine for trying to save this photo. So yeah, 2 for 2! That's better than I've done in the past decade. The plan for this summer is to go every Tuesday around noon. So we did that yesterday and it was good! We returned all 25 things we got last week (23 books and 2 DVDs) and the goal will be to finish things by next Tuesday or they're gone. The kids thought that sounded like a good plan. It also helps to limit the amount of books they get, knowing that we'll come again next week. Daniel reading by the kid corner.
And now lying down, Owen reading in a chair. I told Owen to get a chapter book this week. They didn't have Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, so he's going to try and read the Red Pyramid.
Owen is a good kid. 
After Natalie chose her books, she went to play with Peter and Katharine. 
And they had this fun sticker mosaic poster. Something like that might be fun to get for the kids, or for the Park City reunion or something...
Simple dinner last night - homemade fries. And we sat down together. It's been a while since we did that.
Joseph worked at my parent's house, putting in a few mailbox post. He mixed cement! Said "I felt like a real Guatemalan!" Corey had the kids playing street hockey again, but took it up a level - he was on rollerblades, as were Natalie and Peter.  
I stayed inside and read with K, who hadn't taken a nap. 
I was hoping she'd fall asleep and I'd be able to sneak off climbing before our membership ends on Friday, but I didn't make it out. Didn't go Mon or yesterday, going to try and go today. I did get up at 5:30 and go on a hike up Bells Canyon yesterday. That was nice. I walked past these honeysuckle vines on my way - they smell so amazing. I love it. 
Corey and Joseph went on a ride to Corner Canyon. They went up Clarks and down Ghost Falls. This morning Corey and I went out there again - did Ann's, Edelweiss and Rush, not the trees. It was fun. Still figuring out wedding catering - as soon as Corey had a few minutes to talk about it. I ordered him a sleep apnea pillow today that will be a birthday present/father's day present. He showed it to me, said his brother had the same reflux issue at night and he got one of these pillows 4 years ago and swears by it. Get 20% off today #notsponsored haha. We'll end with a pic of our lovely summer roses. 
I love rose season. The kids played with friends a lot today, as I have knowingly allowed them to not do their stuff. Natalie still does her cleaning, they all need encouragement to do their music. I practiced violin today though! I did a review of Book 1. My fingers have forgotten some of it. K didn't come stop me (pic 5) so maybe I can start to pick it up again! I was glad to have time to read and blog as the kids were playing with friends, and then Corey and I left at 7pm to go to the Jordan River Temple for initiatories. We don't usually go together, so it was nice.

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