Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bye Joseph & Eliza!

Hello hello! Life has been going 100 miles per hour and I am way behind on the blog here. We are up at Park City this week and today seems like the first time I've sat at the computer for a few weeks. I registered the older girls for school (can't believe Natalie is starting junior high) and that made me tired, I had to take a nap half way through. It's been a busy past two days, with the Provo River on Monday and Jordanelle yesterday, so I don't feel bad for needing a nap. I just caught up Wesley's mission blog and my workouts and now I'm here doing a post for today before I begin to try and catch up on family documentation. I have to finish Mar-June plus I've only done 7 posts for July. I don't know if I'll have much time up here, maybe next week? Or I'll catch up after the kids are all in school and it's just Katharine and me at home. So today was Joseph and Eliza's last day here. They left this afternoon to go to Boise for a family reunion on Eliza's side up there, and then they will be flying out to Ohio for 4 years of medical school. I wanted a group pic of the kids, so I'm glad we got that - 

I think a pic on the Park City couch will become a traditional photo for us (2020 installment below). 

This morning, Corey and I went on a ride with Joseph. Took a pic at the top of HAM before we started our descent.

It was Joseph's last ride through the Rocky Mountains for a while. He borrowed our neighbor's nice nice mountain bike, and Joseph says he LOVES mountain biking now! A nice bike does make a big difference! After we got back, we said bye to Joseph, he passed out shells that he brought back from Playa Conchal that he and Eliza gathered last week, and then I sat at the computer (school registration, reunion stuff, Wes blog, etc etc) while the kids did crafts with Mel - making popsicle stick "boats" today - mostly little rafts that she said they would have a race with.

Owen wants to be an engineer, and he went over the top on his boat! Natalie was impressed!
He said it did float when they tested it, so good job Owen! Not sure how/why he knew how to make a seaworthy vessel, wow. Nancy had dinner today - taco salad, and then we played hotel tag, which the kids had been begging for. It was fun. We had a had as the sign that you were "it" - which was Ethan in this picture.
Hyrum was like me - I took off my flip flops so I could sneak around better. As quiet as a mouse
Hyrum was it when we were about to wrap the game up - 
Hooray for hotel tag. 
Then we all went swimming while we waited for the House finale to upload.
We swam for like 30 minutes. Katharine is a little possessive of Corey. He had to go in the pool she was in. Bella and Ethan let us know that ice cream was ready and so we walked in. K's got Corey.
We watched the House together until past 11:30. Corey doesn't think he'll make it on a ride in the morning, we stayed up too late. I have an ability to not get sleep yet still get up in the morning (and take a nap). So Ethan really did an amazing job on this video gift to our family. I don't know how much he could reasonably charge other people to make something similar for them, but I wish I could give him a lot of money for the sacrifice of time he's put into this. It's a treasure that will last for many years. I'd put the link, but he took it down to finish a few last errors that he noticed as we watched it. One of my favorite parts was Ethan's interpretation of Katharine's jibber jabber in the subtitles, it was funny and so cute. I sure love being a wife and mother and having all these kids in my life. 

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