Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Out for Lunch

Nancy and I went to lunch today. I invited her and picked her up, she used a gift card she had to pay for most of our meal, and I paid the rest. We went to Aubergine in Sugarhouse and enjoyed a salad, the good earth bowl, and brownie layers, and we sat and talked for over an hour after we finished eating, and it was really great to connect. Probably the most we've been able to talk and connect as we try to smooth things over from Pineview. She gifted our family a lovely little book called "Where Our Petals Touch" and gave us a bouquet of different colored flowers. She had each of her kids read it before she gave it to us, cause it was the only copy she had, given to the cause by her friend Joanna <3

We are all different, but we can show love, kindness and respect to each other for the beauty we each have. 
The sentiments went along with a quote shared in the Follow Him podcast this week with Brian Mead - Part 2 starting at minute 41:40. And then they shared this quote by President Hinckley (42:20): . "Our kindness may be the most persuasive argument for that which we believe." (from an April 1998 General Conference talk "We Bear Witness of Him") A little bit more of the quote ~

"Let us be true disciples of the Christ, observing the Golden Rule, doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. Let us strengthen our own faith and that of our children while being gracious to those who are not of our faith. Love and respect will overcome every element of animosity. Our kindness may be the most persuasive argument for that which we believe."

I enjoyed listening to that today, and I enjoyed lunch with Nancy. I invited her to check out The Chosen. I hope she does, it's really helped us feel like we understand Jesus a little better.  I've been cleaning today - organizing clothes in boys room as I listened to the Follow Him podcast. We were going to read the book tonight with the kids, but they all went to the movies - to see Despicable Me 3. So we'll read it tomorrow. Tomorrow is Natalie's birthday. These days I'm a bit lazy with birthday celebrations . they aren't what they used to be. No big words on the window. That's ok though. 

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