Sunday, July 28, 2024

Wride Reunion

We have arrived up at Park City for the annual Wride reunion. 

We're looking forward to biking this week! Corey and I went shopping yesterday afternoon to get stuff for the wedding open house yesterday AND to get food for this week at Park City. We had two full carts when we got to check out, and spent over $900, yikes. I wasn't up for shopping for both, I thought it would be easier to just focus on the open house and then come back on Monday to do Park City, but Corey was determined and now I'm grateful that we don't have to worry about going down again for food. We have a ton here - a ton of food and a ton of stuff - 7 bikes, two bins of roller blades, two saxophones, I brought 6 books (goal is to read atleast a little bit from all of them! Right now I'm 1/6), plus clothes and luggage for 14 people (CTJ&EME&BHALSNODPK) And I had packed my butterflies so that I could bring my chrysalides that were going to come out tomorrow (they were all turning dark) but at the last minute I decided it would be too much. It would have been fun to share with family and strangers at the pool, but I guess they'll be safer at home, and it made it a bit easier to unpack and get into the room. I gave two chrysalides to a neighbor Amy, and 11 to Terry, and then I had Hyrum take Terry the last 6 that I had been hanging onto for myself. We had three male monarchs come out today. I might let my butterfly days this year be over - I've been thinking it might be good to just have it be a July thing. We'll see if I can resist looking for eggs. A few pictures from church - Melodie and I taught Peter's class. They were a cute little bunch!
Teaching them about Alma 32 and taking our seed of faith and helping it grow into a tree of life that will bring forth good fruit! 
They were a cute little class, I love kindergarteners. They are so sweet.

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