Wednesday, August 14, 2024

First Day - The Girls

Happy first day of school to our Skyline and Churchill girls! Tomorrow will be the first "normal" day - today was a late start for Abi, Lily, and Sophi, as they are familiar with their schools. Natalie was the first one out the door, cause she's the only one in a new school. 

Calling out to her to have a good day ~

She left early for orientation with a neighbor. Elasha sent me some pics of them as they set out to find their classes and such. 

Cute 6th graders! Neighbor Dallin (tall younger brother of Talmage pic 6) and Natalie. 

And I took a pic of Abi, Lily, and Sophi before I headed out for a bike ride. 

There were the outfits you all wore on your first day of school! (It's a big decision!) Sophi left with jr high carpool at 9:15, Abi borrowed Mel's car and went early around 8 for breakfast at a friends house. Lily went with carpool at 10. 

So it's back to reality for the girls. I'm not quite back to reality yet cause I have Mel and Hyrum at home to be my helpers still. Hence why I was able to go on a bike ride. The boys start school on Monday. Then it will be another step closer to reality for me. We've taken a break from trumpet lessons this summer, but that will be starting up again next week. And regular violin lessons. And carpool - I'm taking Churchill on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Might need to get a Momentum membership again. Mel is heading back to BYU on Friday, I have Hyrum until Sept 6th. 

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