Monday, August 19, 2024

First Day of Kindergarten!

The big day is finally here! Today was Peter's FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!!!

Class of 2037?!?! Wow. As Melodie stated "I don't even know if that is a thing..." ha. Cute little kids standing in line. 
Ms. Fenton's class behind, Ms. Simmons in the front. The parents were ready to take a photograph of the kids, and Peter was lucky that he had a spot in the shade. Most of the kids were going blind from the rising sun.
Oh, now Peter's got the sun in his eyes!
I walked down to the school to support Peter, while he waited at the bus stop. He beat me there. Before he left, I was helping Katharine inside, and Mel took the boys out on the stairs for some first day of school photos which started in 2011. Then the years started flying by... it was all girls in 2019 - now it's all boys!
Peter in Kindergarten (his 1st year tho... we'll let it slide) Daniel in 2nd, Owen in 4th... wait, they are all holding up the wrong fingers! Mel!!! This is not proper documentation.
Did she do that cause Peter doesn't know how to make a K in sign language? Maybe they are all holding up fingers for what year of school this is for them, not the grade. Well, it was cute seeing them run off down the street. Owen and Daniel rode their bikes a lot last year, but said they want to ride the bus with Peter. We'll see how long it lasts. Back inside, Corey was trying to leave for work but K was holding him hostage. But I have suckers in my purse... "Katharine, do you want some candy?" So I discreetly grabbed one as we walked out the door to go look for candy. We walked down the street, Corey was able to drive away, we waved goodbye, then we jumped on a neighbor's trampoline and then I pointed out to Katharine that there was a sucker in the dirt by the flowers! We found candy! Mission accomplished. 
Peter was half day today and is half day for this entire week. On Friday they go "full day" but Friday is a short day so that's fine. Today he got home on the bus at 11:45, I was late getting there, and his friend's mom texted that the bus was there and the boys all wanted to go to Evan's house. So Peter was back from school at 11:45, but wasn't home until 3. After the kids all got home, it was back to reality with the checklist! The side room TV checklist works very well when there was someone around to enforce it. And lucky for all the kids, and for me, right now we have Hyrum here to be the enforcer. It's a task he is enjoying.
He's like the bouncer at a bar, but instead of throwing people out to the street, he will throw them back to their task if it is not completed to his liking. And for FHE, we did a silly drawing activity - we each had a paper folded in thirds. Everyone draw a head... pass it to the middle, everyone take a paper, now draw a middle and arms...
Lastly draw the legs and feet... Don't let anyone see your picture. 
They all got a real laugh out of their creations. A few were quite disturbing. You'll have to zoom in on the drawing Lily is holding. That one wasn't so bad.
The one Hyrum did gave everyone "Spirited Away" nightmare vibes. (I thought that review was funny, and that was the experience we all had. I can't remember where/why we first watched it...) So it was a good first day of school and we're looking forward to getting back in a routine around here. Once our high school reunion is over this weekend I'll really be able to finally relax. It's been kind of a crazy busy summer, but it's "all good things... all good things."

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