Friday, August 9, 2024

White Coat Ceremony

It's been a good Friday. Most significant thing that happened from among our quiver of children, is that Joseph had his "White Coat Ceremony" out at the Ohio State today. 

Corey and I watched the live stream of it and took a screen shot when it was his turn to come up ~

Sorry we didn't come out in person, Joseph! I promise we'll make it out for the graduation ceremony. Joseph got a photo with all the other BYU Alums. Not sure of the order, but he said we've got Seth, Jake, Bryce, and Darien in this photo ~
And all the young men with their lovely wives. 
Joseph said "3 of us are in the same ward and live on the same block and the other 2 live about 5-10 min away." Corey commented "Young, married, American-born in grad school? America doesn't do that so much anymore."
We're excited for Joseph and Eliza as they start on this new adventure! Joseph shared this on his facebook: "The hand of God in this journey has been unmistakable. He put the right people and opportunities in my path at just the right time and lifted me up to do more than I could have on my own. I’m so beyond excited to be starting school at the Ohio State University College of medicine and all the miracles and learning ahead! Go Buckeyes!!"

Then as the final act of the ceremony, they projected the Medical School Oath on the screen. 
They said "This is your last test before Med School". Joseph, in case you need it later, this is the "Medical School Oath" that you took today:

As we enter the medical profession, 
  We will become members of a larger community working together for the health and well being of our patients and society. 
  We will strive for clinical excellence, and we will employ our skills with compassion and dignity. 
  We will use our individual backgrounds and our personal ethics to enrich all of our interactions but never as a basis for malice or bias. 
  We will respect the efforts fo our mentors and peers, and we will not hesitate to ask for their guidance when needed. 
  We will honor the privacy of our patients, and we will maintain confidentiality appropriate to the doctor-patient relationship.
  We will remember that to care for our patients, we must attend to our own well-being in spirit, mind, and body. 
   We realize that medicine education is a lifelong commitment that only begins today, and we choose to accept the high standards of honesty and integrity to which society will hold us accountable.
So that is exciting. Good job Joseph. Joseph called and mentioned some thought he had on the parallels between that ceremony and the temple. He will be a longer and longer white coat each year as he continues his studies. In 4 years when he is finished, he will be given a new name. He took an oath and committed to certain things. After he learns those things, he will be entrusted with opportunities. Anyway, cool stuff. Joseph and Eliza have been doing a good job setting up house - they found a steal on a table with like 4 leave inserts and 6 chairs for $200. They're living the dream!

What else happened today:
  • I released my last butterfly - a male. I have not been looking for more eggs, so I think I'm done for this year unless I happen upon a caterpillar or something.
  • Peter's kindergarten teacher came by our house for a visit at 1pm. He was all excited and laying on his back and kicking his feet, which was a new thing to see him be weird like that. He's usually pretty calm and normal. I said a few times "Hey Peter, put your feet down..."
  • Corey and I went our to eat at India House. I like their butter chicken. 
  • After our dinner out, we went by Mary and Nathan's house for a pre-wedding reception. Their son Dallin is getting married tomorrow in Logan. Their back yard was lovely, and I was inspired. I want to make our backyard a more inviting space for the kids and Corey and I too. I am going to ponder on that more and hope to get some inspiriation. 
  • Abi and Mel arrive home from their trip to Europe tonight around 10:30pm. I'm going to head down for scriptures and then go pick them up. Bye.

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