Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Abi is 17!

Haha, when I just went to put in the title of this blog post, I accidentally typed a question mark instead of an exclamation point, made me laugh - "Abi is 17?" That is more accurate as to how Corey and I are feeling. Our little Abi is SEVENTEEN?!? Like... what is happening to life? It is passing by as a dream. As Kyle Hume sings, "The days are passing way too fast, how dare they? Life just ain't that fair" (When I Die). I'm glad that I believe that life with my family will continue and go on for eternity. Ok, but yes, Abi is 17! She is a lovely daughter and we are enjoying watching her grow and flourish. 

My mom came by to celebrate tonight - brought presents, cake & ice cream and a lovely bday card with a monarch butterfly. 
Corey and I took her out after she got home from school today, for an early dinner date. 
She had said yesterday that she was feeling like she wanted India House, but she changed her mind last minute as I was passing 13th east, so we turned to go to Aubergine. I didn't mind. I love India House, but I love Aubergine even more. It's my current favorite. I love the Better Earth bowl. Abi got the Tri Tip bowl, Corey the Salmon Mango.
And I think she had a good day. I've turned lazy/practical instead of putting effort into bdays and being thoughtful, which means we've just been giving cash. It worked good for Christmas, glad it's been working for bdays. Except I did get the little boys presents. Girls have all been ok with cash. And I like going out to eat. We started trying to do that with the college kids, and I think that's a tradition I'd like to keep with our kids and grandkids as they come along. Seems like I should be able to set time aside atleast once a year for a one on one conversation. So that's a goal. 

And now it's time for scriptures and brush teeth and bed. I'm got up before finishing this and found my foot file, that I use to try and smooth out my heels, and I accidentally left it down within Katharine's reach, which means she got a hold of it and licked it. She has this strange and totally disgusting habit of licking my foot file! This side wasn't finished, thankfully. Unfortunately, the other side was licked clean.
Gross gross gross! Katharine, why do you do that?!?! She's so weird! I think she finds it curious that it goes from white to black when she licks it. And apparently she doesn't mind the taste. I think she has enjoyed my reactions whenever I've caught her in the act, cause she gets a big smile as I laugh out of disgust and freak out. I shall try to keep it up away from her, but I did take that pic and shared it with her older siblings so they could laugh and be grossed out with me. And they'll probably use it to embarrass her later in life. 

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