Friday, September 6, 2024

Sophi is 13!!

Happy Birthday Sophi! She had a busy day at school and with her friends and sisters after school was out. We were glad that we were able to see her this evening and share some birthday ice cream.  requested something chocolate and chunky, so we went with Chocolate Cookie Crumble from Kroger. That one is a family favorite that Joseph introduced us to years ago. 

The bday girls Sophi and Abi are going to a gem store with Wayne tomorrow, so that will be fun for them. My mom didn't text about when she was coming by. She probably just had a busy day, I'm sure we'll hear from her tomorrow. 

H took carpool for me today, then got the boys off to school. Corey and I took a quick ride out to Corner Canyon. I was on the funnest part (I call it Mario Cart) when Hyrum called and interrupted my music. I could hear him but he couldn't hear me, for some reason my airpods don't work when my kids call, so I had to stop and pull over and get my phone out and put it on speaker to answer his question. He was asking if Peter was allowed to ride his bike to school with Owen and Daniel. The answer was no. He's too little for me to be ok with that unless I'm there riding with him. So messed up my song, and he called again at the end of rush, but kinda silly for me to be angry about that, since I wouldn't even be able to be on a ride at ALL if he wasn't there covering for me at home. So I shall not rant anymore about Mapache being messed up by my kids calling. Got home after that ride, quick shower and change, then I went to get Abi at school. She and I were going to a viewing and funeral for one of our former neighbors and friends - Tyler Robbins.  

I don't have many memories of him, other than him walking through the house to go play with kids in the back yard. He was a friend of Abi, they were in the house next door to us to the east when we moved in. They moved to Arkansas 5 years ago, then moved back to Utah a year or two after that. In 2022 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, which he beat after a bone marrow transplant in August 2023, but then his Leukemia later returned in April 2024 and he passed away last week. Just 16 years old. The funeral was a beautiful tribute but also obviously very sad, that someone so young had to suffer such a hard trial and die. No parent wants to bury their child. Both of his parents and his sister did share their hope and belief in God, that Tyler is with Christ and that Tyler lives on, that he is with them now in his spirit, and that they will see him again in the future when they pass on. I'm glad they have that faith. I don't know how people manage trials of life without hope in Christ that there is purpose behind these mortal experiences, and that "there are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind" (C.S. Lewis) AND those better things will last forever! As much as I would like to freeze time and not leave my babies behind, I trust that there are better things ahead for all of us as they grow. 
Hard for met to imagine anything better than cute babies and toddlers? Maybe babies are a part of forever? That will make it heaven for me! Even if they do get into our makeup. 
Corey found Katharine like this - apparently she got her eyebrows done. And we were pretty sure that she was the beautician herself. 
Abi's makeup was the victim of her creativity.
We just left her like that for this evening.  Wipes didn't get it off, but we'll get it off in a few when she takes a bath. Although I'm sure soapy bathwater won't get it all off, but coconut oil will take care of it.  We've all laughed and smiled each time we've seen her this evening, knowing that she thinks she looks so pretty. "Woooowwww Katharine! You look great!" We just think everything she does is cute. Oh we'd miss her so much if she were to go to heaven before us! We'll miss any and all of them when we have to say that momentary, yet feeling very final, goodbye. Praying for Dave and Lisa with the passing of their "baby" and youngest child, Tyler. <3

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