Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Florida Christmas

We have survived another day of traveling and get to take a break now as we stay in the Marriott Grand Vista. I just woke up from a major nap and now it does look like Christmas to me, cause kids are playing with presents and legos on the floor.

Hyrum and Ethan enjoyed working on Peter's lego set.

I'm glad we're here and that we can relax for a few days. We had an early morning and a great Christmas morning, then a 3 hour drive up to Orlando. It all went off without a hitch. I sent J a text to wake me up this morning, which he did, and I went upstairs and we found the tree and Christmas lights. Went back downstairs to set out the sibling gifts to each other with some lights... There! That's better!

That looks more festive than it looked last night. Ok good. Little kids were knocked out cold.

Hyrum helped me move the Christmas presents up to the 4th floor to their room. 

Mel had finished blowing up the tree, trimmed with lights. H put out the presents from Santa (Corey and I)

Joseph Mel and Eliza were all up and working on breakfast.

We were kinda making it up as we went. When they were done with the crepes and fruit, they sent a text that they were on their way and we woke up the boys. Well, we moved them from the pull out couch where they slept and put them in chairs while we put the sofa back together for everyone to sit. Peter looking very snug.

We left Katharine sleeping in the bed until we went upstairs for breakfast.
Kids looked in their stockings and ODP ate some, but I recommended they save the treats for the car ride to Orlando, esp since Joseph had a fun breakfast waiting for us. We had a little devotional. We watched "The Christ Child" and then Corey shared some good thoughts about how maybe traveling on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day could actually be a very appropriate tradition. Just think about it - it was a 70–90 miles journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. That likely took them between 4 days to a week of travel. They were out of their comfort zone, not in circumstances they would have chosen. But unlike us, they were not traveling in fast cars and airplanes. We got tired sitting on around watching tv, vs. feeling tired from riding a donkey for 4+ days, yikes! They were not prepared with everything they probably would have chosen to have for when their baby would be born, just as we did not have everything we would have liked to have on Christmas for our "traditions" but it was good enough and we should be grateful. Corey said "So we should be able to handle a hotel without carpet..." (The Worldmark had tile floor) haha, among other things that we were griping about. We still have it very cushy compared to Baby Jesus. Good things to think about. Then we exchanged "secret santa" gifts. The little boys had gifts for everyone. To "Kafrin" from Peter, cute!
Abi was feeling better this morning. Mel got Joseph a "The Earth is Flat" shirt, which she made last minute over at Wayne's house, which was why she was an hour behind us on the drive to St. George on Monday. He loved it! He's always thought that it is so weird that people actually believe the earth is flat. 
There was a logo on the front too that said "Members all around the globe" haha. Very funny. 
Some of the other memorable sibling gifts were the custom Cat Noir blanket that Lily got for Sophi, which inspired the blanket that Natalie made for me with pics of my face all over it and a quote saying "No one can compete <3" "Natalie, where did you get that?!?" She replied matter of factly "Amazon." It was really fun and around 9am we went upstairs to the 4th floor where the college kids slept, for breakfast and more gifts. 
We had called and asked for a had a late check out, and they said they could give us until 11. That works. So we had two hours now. Joseph and Eliza had planned a fun breakfast of Christmas Tree crepes. The green crepes were all ready to go and he gave a little "Joe's Cooking show" demonstration on how to make them. 
Fun, this could definitely be a new Christmas tradition.
And then it was time for Santa's gifts. 
We had a roaring fireplace on the tv, so relaxing.
So the most memorable gift will be these announcements from the marrieds. First Joseph and Eliza gave Katharine a gift of a shirt (they didn't finish but the print is ready to go) that says "Aunt Kathy's Homestyle cooking" (from a meat place in Canada)... Peter then opened some spiderman underwear with a post-it that said "A cool gift for a cool uncle." People looked a little confused, and it took a few minutes., and then Daniel said "Wait! Is someone pregnant??" The ultrasound pic with the gifts were the clue he needed. And then a reply came "Two people in this room are pregnant!" 
Then Ethan had a gift for all the kids and it had a dice in 

Then for the gender reveal, J&E opened a gift from Eliza's grandma with some cute PINK pajamas. They are having a girl! And Ethan planned ahead and had Daniel wear some BLUE underwear, and gave him a wedgie in front of everyone for their reveal, in true Ethan style. So they are having a boy. They are both due in May, Ethan and Bella at the first of the month, Joseph and Eliza at the end. Exciting things coming in 2025!! And what a fun surprise for everyone for Christmas! 

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