Thursday, December 19, 2024

I Put on a Screen Protector

I've endured a cracked screen protector for probably over a year. It cracked on a simple drop in the kitchen, but it should have had a lot more from falls on my bike and other drops. I'm lucky this was all that there one. It was a small one in the middle of my phone length-wise, and slightly to the right of center. I went through a few of them pretty quickly. I remember I purchased two sets of three, I think I gave Corey one of them. Ooh, cool! Amazon keeps stats for me! From their records, it looks like I first ordered these on February 15, 2022, a three pack, and then I ordered again on September 5, 2022. And that was my last time. So I think it cracked sometime in 2023, but it wasn't bad, and I didn't have the extra on hand, so I put off changing until it was bad. It finally got bad this past Monday night. We had just finished FHE. Lily had my phone at the table. She was taking a video across the room of Abi being weird...

Abi enjoyed the attention and kept being weird, and after she elevatored down out of view behind the counter, she snuck around to come surprise Lily. 

Lily saw her coming, kept filming...

...and Abi came up and pretended to eat my phone, and in the process actually bit my phone. Nice close up of Abi's mouth for ya...

Her bite cracked the screen protector right on the place where the camera needs to be clear to get a clear image when it's in Selfie mode. I noticed the crack, and didn't think it was a big deal... As I said, I've been living with a cracked screen for over a year. But when Wes called later that night, the image of myself was all blurry. And that's was when I realized what had happened. I guess this crack IS going to bother me... I decided it was time to get a new screen protector, with the bonus that I can add it to Abi's tab and have her pay for it cause this was her fault. But I stress about putting screen protectors on! I always seem to get air bubbles or a piece of lint or a finger print, etc etc. So I went by AT&T and asked if they could do it. But they didn't have any iPhone 11 screen protectors in stock. Ok, bye. I checked Verizon next door - they didn't have any in stock either. They recommended Amazon. That is where I usually get them, but I didn't want to wait until after our Florida trip to get this fixed. So I go to Walmart. Get rice milk, then to to the electronics dept to see if they have screen protectors. They did. I got the least expensive one. After checking out, I thought of going back into AT&T again to have them put it on, but then decided to just hurry home instead (Hyrum was watching K and was waiting for me to get back so he could go.) Back at home, I tried to shake the lint off of myself, went into the bathroom where there wouldn't be carpet to cause more dust particles in the air. I opened this baby and followed the instructions, and it was one of the most satisfying experiences of this past week, month, and perhaps year!
I was so impressed! It was a great experience putting this on! I didn't mess up and there are no bubbles or link under the screen, it's the best "I" have ever done, but it was really all the application system they had. The phone goes in the metal case (on the counter in the background) and then there is a plastic lid that goes on it that has a sticky thing, and that is where you put the screen protector, then you snap the lid on the case and that makes it automatically in the right spot AND keeps lint away and then you pull off the sticker from the screen protector. The lid was also hollow in the middle, so that you can push the screen protector off of the lid from the center so that it attaches to the screen from the middle out, thus no bubbles that way either. Maybe I was just so impressed cause I had such low expectations for myself of being able to do it right. I am excited for when Corey or I break our screen protector again, cause I am able to do it and do it perfectly now thanks for this. I'm saving this application stuff for the next time I need to put on a screen. I think I can buy the usual one I got (Unbreakcable 3 pack makes those avg $5.66 each vs. the $11 that this onn brand was) and put them on with this kit/application system. I've bought a few things of the onn brand: a dvd player, a cd player, phone cases, etc. So I trusted them a little bit to be decent. But was really impressed with screen protector - I hope this is a top seller cause it was great. 

So other things from today: Corey and I went climbing this morning. We did SIX 5.10a top rope climbs and my forearms were DEAD. 

I worked on the RS Jan newsletter, wrote an email to Wes, at too many Ghirardelli chocolates, didn't clean very much, Melodie came home from BYU but then left on a date. K watched Tangled and Sleeping Beauty. I did some chrstimas shopping at Walmart, bought a few things for the boys and Katharine. I gave her a little Aurora lego set, cause I like to spoil her. 

We are still not sure how we are doing the gift giving with us all flying to Florida on Christmas eve. I think our best option is to open gifts here Sunday or Monday morning? Monday might be cutting it close since we need to pack and leave for St. George on Monday. Hoping Corey's car is done tomorrow. Tanner Transmissions has had it for three weeks. Is that normal turn around time for a transmission? Ugh. We are getting together with Wrides on Sunday afternoon - visiting JeNeal's grave and then meeting for lunch and gifts. Kids are watching Elf right now. Still one more day of school tomorrow, so I think I'll go tell them it's time to be done and let's go to bed. 

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