Saturday, December 14, 2024

Setting Up Christmas

Lily, Sophi, Natalie and Katharine all came with me over to my parents' house to help them set up some Christmas decorations. We put up some art and framed greeting cards on the wall, some lights in the window, and changed the light bulbs on the string of lights around their ceiling. We had to get the ladder from the back yard to reach the ceiling above the split level entry, and after holding the ladder and climbing up and down there, we had a discussion about fiberglass shards in our hands. Tape got most of them out, but ouch! The thing that we were all most excited about was this miniature Christmas tree. 

This was made from a kit that my dad bought at Zim's in the 1980s. Beka and I did a little googling and found some of the kits on ebay and Etsy. They were originally made by Westrim - a Beaded Miniature Christmas Tree Kit! Kinda funny to think of the 1980s as "vintage".
We all think it is really cool. My dad used some of his mom's old jewelry as the ornaments. 
There are little glass icicles and candy canes, and lights that turn on via a wrapped present that holds the batteries. We replaced the batteries and got it all up and looking awesome.
Lily and Beka got all the ornaments on hooks and put on the tree. So cute. We put it on display in a prominent place in the front room. Now I just need to come back with a polishing cloth to get the glass case all clean. Lily put the cards in the glass display frames.
Some of the cards being put away for now. I think this one is so funny and true. That's how we act when I see Corey is on his way home from work! 
I also liked this one: It's important to remember that life is all about how you handle plan B."
We're still on plan B with Corey's car. It's still at Tanner's Transmission. No communication from them, but Corey gave the ok for them to fix it on Tuesday. Hopefully we'll have it back this week before we leave for Las Vegas and fly out to Florida. Do we trust their work enough to take it on a road trip? I'm slightly nervous. Natalie had fun playing on this old typewriter in a case. It is an metal style and really works your fingers. 
K was sweet the whole time, and eventually got tired. I held her for a while, and then tucked her down for a nap in this old chair that was a favorite napping spot for me and my siblings as we were growing up. The strong arms of the chair were perfect, plus the deep corners for your shoulder to rest in. K looked very comfortable. 
Sophi spent most of her time working on a little lighted Calvin and Hobbes display box.
She finished it and then my parents let her take it home. 
There is still more to do, but their house looks a little more ready for Christmas. 

We still need to put up the tree, but my dad said he's not sure he wants too. I'll try to go back this week. Abi spent the day at the Skyline Winter's dance, which was boys choice. Went with a boy named Nate. Melodie subbed for her at the Lyceum Christmas concerts today, a performance at 2 and at 7 tonight. 

Pretty amazing that Mel can learn about a concert that morning and just show up and play all the music no problem. Corey was at home with the boys while we were at my parents. We were there from 2-6. Came home and the boys were watching an Ice Age 4 movie or something, one of the straight to DVD movies that are really lame. The girls had a hard time not commenting how stupid it was, as they sat on the couch and continued to watch it, lol.

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