Saturday, January 18, 2025

New Music Room

It's been a great week. I've been very productive cleaning and I'm pleased with how the house looks and how things are organized. There is still more to do, but I'm happy. The kids are happy too. Daniel told me he likes it when we rearrange stuff "cause then it feels like a hotel." I'm not sure what that means, but it does feel like a fresh new space to us. The kids new favorite room is the music room. I rearranged things in here yesterday (I say "here" cause I'm currently sitting at the table in here blogging) and I think the space is more functional now. 

I should have taken a before pic. The L shaped desk used to be in the corner, and now it's turned right 90 degrees and pushed out more to the right toward the window. On Thursday Corey helped me move the hutch onto the floor, and that almost killed us, joking/not joking. This desk is a beast. I moved the hutch below the violins now, and that will still hold the sheet music and I'm glad that we can also fit a lot of their instrument cases below it. Yesterday I was doing leg presses under the desk to rotate that 90 degrees. It was an ordeal with the hutch, piano, and small couch in the way... I should have moved the couch out first, but since the first thing I did was take down the hutch, then it was too late, cause I couldn't slide that, I could only turn one top corner and waddle it places, and there wasn't enough room to waddle it out the door. I did what I could before the girls got home, and then they helped me finish. 
After we were done, I joked that I thought I was making a new desk area for us to use, but turns out I was actually making a new jungle gym area for the kids. They are enjoying hopping on the couch and then onto the desk and walking along it like it's a fashion show stage. It's also fun being so tall and touching the ceiling or looking out the arch window.

Between the desk and the window is Daniel's new "secret hiding place". I discovered that he had one previously when we moved the desk away from the wall and that revealed lots of marker writing on the wall. Thankfully a magic eraser got it all of without too much difficulty. Since he wrote his name, I knew Daniel was the owner. He said it was his secret place for him and his cousin Eli from two months ago. I told him that's fine for now for him to make a new hideout, but it probably won't be his area for very long, cause I'm on a quest to make a place for everything and everything in it's place. And Daniel's stuffs place is in his bedroom. The couch now fits snug in the corner so it's against the wall and against the desk, which creates a fun little nook that is Sophi's new favorite reading spot. I told her a few days ago that I'll pay them $25 for each of the Saints books that they read. There are 4, so that's $100 bucks. Sophi's been reading a lot, hoping to get $ to order a new phone asap. Her last one got broken when it was in her coat pocket and she accidentally shut the car door on it. So sad. So she's reading away. I agree this couch is a nice hidden spot, which is why I wanted the couch there. I plan to hide out and nap there now and then myself. So rearranging that was what I did yesterday, and I also started to organize the shoe cupboards. This is what that looks like when it's in process of happening...
And yesterday I also did a little winter hike with the kids that filled my heart. As for today, Corey and I started the day with climbing at the Millcreek Momentum.
While we were gone there, Wayne came to our house and picked up Peter to go take him to the dinosaur museum for Peter's birthday present. I think having one on one time is a great gift, especially cause it gives them personal memories with him. That's something that I want to do more now as a parent and that I hope to do when we're grandparents. Wayne gave Peter a real Megaladon shark tooth that someone at the senior care center gave him. The lady got it snorkeling years ago, wow! 
Peter is pretty excited and has used it to hit some furniture to test how strong it is. Luckily he hasn't tried it on the walls. Wayne took a few photos of Peter, but none with Wayne in them, haha. 
So for the record, Wayne took Peter to the dinosaur museum and took these pictures. 
After we got home from climbing, I hurried over to a viewing for a neighbor. It was fun to see familiar faces from and visit with friends from my childhood. And fun to look at photos of their family from the 80s. I also liked a picture they had of him in a shirt that said "It's weird being the same age as old people." haha. Lily took some book earrings and a few book pendants that she made to a neighbor. This was Lily's first order! It was for our neighbor Jami, who Lily babysat for a few weeks ago, and after they got home they were talking about books and Jami is in a book club and so she commissioned these for her friends as a late Christmas gift. 
And last pic - Katharine like to eat pomegranates with me. It's cute to see her go after the arils. 

I don't think I've ever bought pomegranates before, so this is a Wride toddler first. 

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