Saturday, January 4, 2025

Top Rope

This is our last weekend with Hyrum and Mel before they return to their college lives. Hyrum and I made a tentative plan to go to the temple this morning. My attendance was pending how my night cough went. Thankfully it wasn't bad at all. I slept very well and we had gone to bed at 10, so I was good to go. We left at 5:20 for 6 am session. It was snowing, but we traveled safely. We came home to more snow, which meant there was a car line of skiers blocking the road home. So we turned off and drove through some neighborhood streets, but those weren't plowed so it was a little scary. I'm glad we didn't get stuck. We made it home, and then went climbing with Corey and Mel at 10. Hyrum belaying Corey, Mel watching.

Corey and I meant to take them climbing before Florida, but we didn't fit it in. Which is unfortunate, cause that means we lost those two guest passes for December. I thought it went from the 15th to the 15th, but it's each month. I just learned that today, cause I was telling Mel that she and her friend Christian can come climbing after Jan 15th, but Corey said no, we have to wait until February. Darn! If I had known that, I would have been more anxious to make it happen before our trip. So that is too bad that those went to waste. Oh well. We did have fun climbing today. We went to the NEW Fort Union Momentum that opened on Dec 26th. It is a really great facility! I loved it and we had fun. I did 4 top rope, then Mel and I went to do a few boulders (V0s, 1s, and 2s) then one more top rope 5.10a. They don't have Kaya codes at this gym, so that's too bad... I'll need to come up with a different way to keep my climbing records here. Hyrum on the wall, Corey belaying him ~

Melodie thought our belay glasses were pretty cool. 

Last night Corey and I went out to eat at Aubergine. We made 3 goals: 1) stretching for 5 min a day 2) Read the Book of Mormon together for 5 minutes. 3) Clean 5 min in the basement. Today we did BOM as we ate lunch, before starting our fast, then we cleaned in the basement. And we just did our 5 min stretching before we had to bed. I'm trying to type out notes each day so I can remember what happened, hoping to keep on top of the blog in '25 better than I did in '24 (still need to finish July & Aug!) So I did sleep better last night, hoping tonight is good. I think my cough is almost all gone,  but tonight I feel like I have allergies. I tried to get a few other things taken care of today before Hyrum leaves tomorrow. We took down Christmas decorations this evening.

K is cute. 
I planned Peter's birthday a little bit. We'll prob have a friend party for him next week. He wants a ninjago cake or a spider man cake. I guess I'll see what he's feeling the day before. It has been a fun winter break, but it will be good to get back to a school schedule next week. 

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