Thursday, February 13, 2025


Yesterday morning, I started the day watching the full moon set. I watched it until it disappeared behind the mountain. This is what the moonset yesterday would have looked like if I could have zoomed in far enough with a good camera. 

This is what my iphone was able to capture:

It was beautiful. I'm trying to put some of Jeffrey Rosen's advice into practice by doing some reading for pleasure before I do anything on my phone or the computer. I shared some of his talk with my siblings near the end of my drive Tuesday, via Marco Polo. After sharing that, Grant replied and shared this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

I started writing my gratitude for the day first thing in the morning! I liked doing that, esp since this past month I'm usually snoozing my "gratitude" alarm over and over again in the evening... now I'm starting to be more aware and I'm looking for things all day that I can put on my list, and sometimes I'm writing them down in the morning! So I liked watching out the window yesterday morning and this morning as I drank some warm lemon and ginger water (and cinnamon, honey, and trace minerals... I'm getting creative with my own version of Brazilian Mounjaro.) I have been enjoying a few quiet moments with my new fancy tea cups and saucers that I got on Tuesday

Another fun thing, I opened the scriptures randomly this morning and it opened up to D&C 88:8 - "As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made..." So after some time sitting and reading, I got the kids up and ready and off to school. K woke me up a lot last night. She felt pretty warm and was crying about her nose being stuffy. She finally slept without waking after 3am. Hopefully it didn't derail my day too much. I read "Eat Move Sleep" for my pleasure reading this morning, and of course couldn't SIT while I read that, (cause according to Tom Rath sitting is the new smoking) so I stretched on the floor. I also tried just walking around upstairs while I read. (He wrote it while he was walking at a walking desk!) Ahh what else. Today I did go climbing after taking Abi to my moms for work. My parents are for sure coming on Sunday to our anniversary dinner, so that will be fun. I went to Savers after dropping off Abi and before I went climbing. I found another Simple Abundance book, 2 DVDs and 3 other valentine dresses. I'm on an optimistic look out for a duplicate of the dress I wore on my first date with Corey (4th pic). I'm hoping I can find that someday. Then went to momentum for bouldering. Most of yesterday was spent taking pics of pictures and finding pics in scrapbooks and uploading them to Walgreens. I printed them yesterday and today was spent putting photos in frames. It's like I'm doing a wedding reception, haha. I printed up some old pics like these ~ hiking Granger Peak - 

That way the kids will know that being all out-door-sy isn't a new fad for Corey and I. We were always getting up in the mountains! Hiking Mt. Olympus ~

And yes I printed up some new pics of us biking. Yesterday I worked on that while I was waiting for an appliance technician to come by to fix the dryer. It's been doing the "3C" code again and now it won't stop doing it. I thought the cost to fix it would be covered since it's been less than a year since we got it fixed on Nov 26, but he said that last time he fixed the motor, and that this time it's the control board, not the motor, so only the motor is covered. He didn't fix it, but will put the service visit toward the repair if we decide to do that, once they get the parts in. So that was $100 I wasn't planning on spending today, oh well. He was supposed to come between 11-1, then they called that he'd be there between 1-3. So while I waited, I kept snoozing my "print pics" alarm, until I started to finally print it yesterday. Picked those up, and have been putting them in frames last night and today. I worked on that for a few hours. I took out the pics of Joseph and Eliza and put in ours. I'll mail those to J&E soon, too bad I didn't see it before I sent off her birthday package on Monday! I sent her a b-day package with some letters from everyone plus a book (Simple Abundance of course!) Happy Birthday Eliza! 

Tonight Natalie finished Danielle valentine box. I was supposed to spray paint it yesterday but forgot to set an alarm for it. I snoozed it a few times today then finally painted it while talking to Nicole. Natalie did a good job making it for him! It's a taco, cute. So nice of her. 

Corey worked late. Tomorrow's valentine's day. I'm glad we took care of making Valentines on Monday for FHE! Good thinking on my part, go team. 

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