Thursday, March 15, 2007

Brazil '07 - Fainted & Threw Up *

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Hi there world. What's going on in my life? Well, Corey left for Sao Paulo today at 4, we dropped him off at the bus station, he is there teaching a GMAT class tonight and is going to sleep over with a friend there, and then he is off to the airport tomorrow to catch a flight for Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he is doing a GMAT class too. His flight leaves in the morning at like 7, and he was going to have our friend Antonio take him to the bus stop at 3 so he could make his flight, but we figured he might as well just stay there and get work done and get some rest. He'll just be spending Friday night in Argentina, then his flight back home will be late Saturday night. He won't be back here until early Sunday morning, and he's not sure how he'll get back to Campinas from Sao Paulo Sunday. It would be impossible for me to pick him up at the airport. I'd get lost in Sao Paulo and wouldn't be found until some missionaries came across me in 20 years, and I explained to them how I used to be married to a Mormon... :) So I just have to sit here and pray that the Lord will deliver him safely home. Time to exercise the faith of King Mosiah for his sons who wanted to preach to their enemies the Lamanites. Were they nuts? Probably a little, but with faith insane things can turn in to great experiences. There is a family in the ward that is going to come sleep over here on Friday and Saturday night. I'm not sure if it will be more stress to have them here or if it will be nice, we'll see. Hopefully I'll learn more Portuguese.
I went to a public health clinic here on Monday to get a check up, it was the first time I heard the baby's heart beat, so that was fun to get another source of confirmation that I am pregnant - sometimes I start to wonder. I'm 16 weeks along and will be getting an ultrasound sometime in the next few weeks. My due date is Sept 4th ish they said. Today I went to get some blood drawn for testing. I couldn't eat anything before, and unfortunately I passed out when they were done. It is a weird thing to faint... so after that they were concerned, but I've fainted before at things, I assured them I was fine and I had brought some crackers in the car. Well, after that I went to the temple, I ate my cookies and crackers on the way, and I guess I pigged out too much, cause I threw up at the temple. Luckily I was doing initiatories, not in a session, so they had towels and water and we were in the changing room and were able to take care of things right away with not too much commotion. So that was my day today. Then I came home and Corey was at wits end with the kids bugging him while he was trying to do work, so we had "lockout" - a new thing we've started where we lock the kids out and try to force them to go play. It's not working so good, cause they just stand around the door most of the time, asking when they can come in. It's pretty pathetic. It's like they don't know how to play. Right now, however, (now that it's time for bed) they are all playing together great, not buggin me at all. They seem to hit their stride in the PM when Corey and I are done with them and want them to go to bed, and almost all morning and afternoon they are drawn to us like magnets, asking for food or for whatever, or sometimes they do go off on their own, but usually just to go break something or get into something we don't want them too. So that is life with kids! Is that familiar to what my parent's experienced with us, or are my kids and I abnormal?