Friday, March 16, 2007

Brazil '07 - Feeling Irritated

Friday, 16 March 2007

Tonight I was totally feeling bugged by how expensive things are here in Brazil. No wonder so many people seem to be living in poverty. At Big, I thought it would be nice to have some storage containers, so I was looking and found some that at Walmart would be $5, here they are $15. Things I could buy at Dollar Tree are R$10, ...only at Dollar Tree they are better quality. Also, we bought two of those chocolate treat things that are hanging all in a tunnel over the checkout line - They were R$14 and Joe's was R$28 - Ridiculous, totally ridiculous, those are way overpriced. Is there no consumerism here in Brazil? Why? I told the kids we are never buying them again, that I never want them to ask for them again, that Joe could loose the rest of his teeth and I wouldn't have to buy him anything for how much those chocolate eggs cost. I miss Walmart and Costco. Oh, I bought two things of paper at the store too, $10 for one white ream of paper, and $8 for the recycled ream of paper that is brown colored - I got that for the kids. RIP OFF. I miss Coscto, I could have bought 4 reams at Costco. I want wholesale!!!