Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Brazil '07 - Toys and Playing Pretend

Here are some pictures of the kids - they were playing a puppy game - the socks were taped on their glasses to make their puppy ears. Looks like puppy Hyrum fell asleep during the game.
Here is the Ethan puppy.
Ethan posing, Melodie holding her toy dragon.
The dragon is from a barbie toy. The kids each brought one stuffed animal, this dragon was Melodies. 
Joseph brought his Harry the Dog toy, Ethan brought Blue's Clues, Hyrum had his Alaska huskey dog that Corey's parents brought him from their cruise. And we brought Barney for Wesley. 

We didn't bring very many toys, but the toys we brought we hope will be able to be used for lots of different games. So there are the stuffed animals, I brought a cape for each of the kids. A few Mega Blocks - train. And these K'nex toys. I'm impressed that Melodie is so creative that she makes dolls with them and she and Hyurm play. Joseph and Ethan make swords with them for their games.

Wesley just goes with the flow - playing with the kids in the car.