Thursday, March 22, 2007

Brazil '07 - Ethan's Birthday *

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Happy Birthday Ethan! Our little boy is 5 years old - it's crazy to see the kids get older, I know it will just get more crazy when they turn teenagers, go on missions, and get married and such. I'll continue to be amazed since I can remember when I was their age. I do remember things from kindergarten, and I think my parent's moved into their home on Granduer Drive in 1980, when I was 4. I have a vague memory of that, walking into the new house, the basement, the backyard. So I wonder what kind of things the kids will remember? I'm sure it will help their memories if I take pictures, record videos, and help their brains remember things properly. So I don't know how many pictures I took of our house in Virginia, I took quite a few during our outings though.
Anyway, so Ethan's birthday was very simple - I bought a few things from the Supermercado "BIG" last night for his presents: a superman paper notebook and superman pencils/pen/eraser, cookies, and a Superman costume thing of a cape and S that tied around the chest and a platic chain that Strong Superman kids can break. He seemed to have a good time though, they played Superheroes all day. I made his birthday cake for breakfast the night before, and I tried to make a chocolate glaze mixture thing to frost it - made out of a Nesquik kind of chocolate drink thing called Toddy, mixed with milk, butter, and a lot of sugar. The kids enjoyed eating his birthday cake for breakfast. We just used 5 matches for the candles since I didn't have any candles, he just had to blow them out quickly before they started the cake on fire. I wrapped his presents last night using wash towels and the kids clothes tied with plastic bags that I tore into strips. I was laughing at myself as I wrapped them up - I felt like a native poor Brazilian!
I even have started to leave the dead mosquitos I kill on the wall.
Today Corey and I ran over real quick to the other place to rent. It is further away, so I don't think we'll move. I'd consider something closer, but not further out. We already drive really far. It does have a pool, but it didn't have any kitchen stuff like pans and silverware, so I don't think it's worth the hassel. It was nicer and looked like it would have been a fun change, but again, not worth it. Also there were two dogs that stay at the place, so that's another one for the "not gonna work" column. Hyrum would never leave his bedroom.