Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Brazil '07 - It's a Girl

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

I have felt the baby kicking for about 6 weeks now. Today I went in for an ultrasound and guess what, IT'S A GIRL! Melodie is very excited, and Joe and Ethan have decided it's okay too. Corey thought it was going to be a girl. I thought we need to have another girl eventually, but didn't know if this baby would be one. But we are all excited. I'm going to have to start working on my list of names.
The hospital where I had the ultrasound was interesting, didn't look like a US hospital, and I never would have thought it was one if I had walked past it. It looked more like a foreign country's embassy office in downtown DC. I was waiting for about an hour before they saw me. Joe and Mel and Hyrum had come with me, I thought they would be able to come up with me, but they stayed in the lobby, where my helper Lillian was waiting with her two kids. She's not quite my interpreter, cause she doesn't speak English, but she knows what needs to be done, so she's like my Portuguese Mom and talks to people while I stand there. But at the front desk they probed my language skills a bit, then said I speak good (for 2 months) and gave me directions as to where to go to up on the second floor. That was the hardest part, but I made it, waited, and then was able to understand what the doctor said as we looked at our little girl. So I"m just over 20 weeks along, half way there. I think being here in Brazil is making the pregnancy go by quicker, cause instead of just sitting around waiting for my due date, I've got a half way mark taken care of cause I'm sitting around waiting for our flight home. We got our visas renewed last Thursday, the 19th, so we are good to stay until June 13th. I think our flight is the 12th in the evening, we arrive in Dulled June 13th at like 6 a.m.