Saturday, April 28, 2007

Brazil '07 - Temple and Birthday

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Eliziana babysat for Corey and I tonight, and we were able to go to the temple together for an endowment session. I was proxy for Maria Ignacia Costa, b. 1806 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was a nice session. Before we went, we went to the Itaguami Shopping Mall and shared a plate of meat and beans. Neither of us were that hungry - Corey had already eaten out at the Itaguami food court with his friend Oli Silva who is helping Corey get his idea patened here. I wasn't hungry cause I had been muching on a box of chocolates. (I bought two boxes of Garato chocolates on Tuesday after the ultrasound, and pretty much have eaten them both myself - what a pig! What can I say, the chocolate is helping make life bearable.)

28 April 2007

Today is my birthday, I am 31 years old. We went to a BBQ at an MBA friend of Corey's house, Danielle. She lives in Sorocaba, it was fun and delicious