Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dear Melodie!

Melodie is 7 years old!
Holding her cake

... with ambiance

Wednesday, December 12th was Melodie's happy birthday. And here's a picture of the gang with Grandma Hibbert. As you can see from the expression of Joseph in the front, he was a bit rowdy. He and Ethan were tackling each other and running around screaming. Mom called me the next morning and said that after we left she watched a Dateline documentary about the 7-tuplets, so she called to reassure me that my kids were not abnormally rambunctious, they are just normal kids (who had too much sugar and cake).

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! I have very few pictures where one of my kids isn't doing something spazzy in the forefront or background, so I hope yours are totally normal, because mine are the same!
