Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Joseph Smith and The Sacred Grove

In the Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York.
Look at Wesley's eyes, he seems to be
pondering things of eternity~
July 2006

Standing in front of the Smith Home
(a replica built where the original cabin stood)
July 2006

Well, Corey and I have been following the campaign coverage since we were in Virginia, and really followed it in Brazil when our mail contact with the US was YouTube (we enjoyed watching the debates online). Anyway, seeing how there is lots of talk out there about Mormons, I thought I'd write. I love this transcript from Glenn Beck's show -
http://www.glennbeck.com/news/12052007.shtml Amen. Today I found a comment on Townhall.com to a Michael Medved article about how Mormonism is a cult with a link to a YouTube video with animation that I find ugly, here is the link in case you want to watch it -
(a cartoon supposedly "banned" by the church. I mostly have a hard time watching it because I think the drawings are gross and it has spooky music that gives the message they want to imply "Mormon's are freaky!") But for anyone who wants to know what I think, here's two links I whole heartedly endorse -


I firmly believe that Joseph Smith was not only a good and honset man, but I believe that he was a man chosen by God to be a prophet, the prophet to usher in the last dispensation of time before the return of Jesus Christ. If anyone has any questions about the teachings of the LDS church, I'm willing to try and answer them as I know them. I do think there is some explanation to the cosmos (see my post about the Universe on November 7th - so I do believe some things said in that animated documentary are true, but they mix it with ideas of their own creation.)

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